MercuryII-Mediated Formation of …
2006年2月2日 · The very specific binding of the Hg II ion unexpectedly and significantly stabilizes naturally occurring thymine−thymine base mispairing in …
- 作者: Yoko Miyake, Humika Togashi, Mitsuru Tashiro, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Shuji Oda, Megumi Kudo, Yoshiyuki T...
- Publish Year: 2006
MercuryII-mediated formation of thymine-HgII-thymine base
2006年2月22日 · The very specific binding of the HgII ion unexpectedly and significantly stabilizes naturally occurring thymine-thymine base mispairing in DNA duplexes. Following this finding, …
- 作者: Yoko Miyake, Humika Togashi, Mitsuru Tashiro, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Shuji Oda, Megumi Kudo, Yoshiyuki T...
- Publish Year: 2006
Formation of a Thymine‐HgII‐Thymine Metal‐Mediated DNA Base …
2013年6月13日 · A reaction mechanism that describes the substitution of two imino protons in a thymine:thymine (T:T) mismatched DNA base pair with a Hg II ion, which results in the …
- 作者: Jakub Šebera, Jaroslav Burda, Michal Straka, Akira Ono, Chojiro Kojima, Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Vladimír S...
- Cited By: 45
- Publish Year: 2013
- 已发布: 13 June 2013
structure of metallo-DNA with consecutive thymine–HgII–thymine …
2013年12月26日 · We have determined the three-dimensional (3D) structure of DNA duplex that includes tandem Hg II-mediated T–T base pairs (thymine–Hg II –thymine, T–Hg II –T) with …
- 作者: Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Jakub Šebera, Jiro Kondo, Shuji Oda, Tomoyuki Komuro, Takuya Kawamura, Takenori D...
- 预计阅读时间:11 分钟
- Publish Year: 2014
Enzymatic formation of consecutive …
From the perspective of the preparation of a DNA-based nanowire containing an array of metal ions, DNA-polymerase-catalyzed primer extension reactions …
- 作者: Tatsuya Funai, Chizuko Tagawa, Osamu Nakagawa, Shun-Ichi Wada, Akira Ono, Hidehito Urata
- Publish Year: 2020
HgII ions bind to thymine residues in DNA.2 Later, Katz proposed the formation of mercury-thymine (1:2) complexes in denatured DNA.3 Coincidently, the mercury-thymine (1:2) complex …
MercuryII-Mediated Formation of Thymine−HgII−Thymine Base …
The very specific binding of the HgII ion unexpectedly and significantly stabilizes naturally occurring thymine-thymine base mispairing in DNA duplexes. Following this finding, we …
Enzymatic formation of consecutive thymine-HgII-thymine base …
2020年10月14日 · Enzymatic formation of consecutive thymine-Hg II-thymine base pairs by DNA polymerases Chem Commun (Camb) . 2020 Oct 14;56(80):12025-12028. doi: …
Structures, physicochemical properties, and …
2015年10月14日 · This trend has become more evident after the discovery of Hg II-mediated thymine–thymine (T–Hg II –T) and Ag I-mediated cytosine–cytosine (C–Ag I –C) base-pairs. In this article, we focus on the basic science and …
A Fluorescence Turn‐on Sensor for Iodide Based on a …
2011年11月24日 · Herein, we demonstrate a novel and facile strategy for constructing a fluorescence turn-on sensor for iodide based on a T–Hg II –T complex (T=thymine). A fluorescent anthracene–thymine dyad (An-T) was …