CityGML Standard | OGC Publications
CityGML 3.0 is an evolution of the previous versions 1.0 and 2.0 of CityGML. While the previous versions standardised a GML exchange format, CityGML 3.0 standardises the underlying …
OGC City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) 3.0 Conceptual …
2021年9月13日 · This document provides guidance on the use of the OGC CityGML: 3.0 Conceptual Model Standard. This document is a non-normative resource and not an official …
CityGML 标准 | OGC 出版物
CityGML 3.0 概念模型标准描述了用于表示 3D 城市对象的通用语义信息模型。 该模型的主要功能是定义人类对建模数据对象的解释以及它们的几何表示和关系。 因此 CityGML 3.0 概念模型 …
opengeospatial/CityGML-3.0CM: CityGML 3.0 Conceptional Model - GitHub
CityGML version 3.0 consists of a single Conceptual Model and multiple implementations of the conceptual model using different data definition and data storage methodologies. Each …
tum-gis/citygml3.0-transportation-examples - GitHub
A CityGML3.0 Transportation sample dataset of an intersection near TU Munich. Including Roads, Sections, Intersections, TrafficAreas and AuxiliaryTrafficAreas.
opengeospatial/CityGML-3.0: CityGML 3.0 Development - GitHub
This is the archive of the original repository for OGC CityGML 3.0 development between 2014 and 2018. The active repositories as of Summer 2018 are CityGML-3.0CM (Conceptual Model) …
OGC 批准 CityGML v3.0 概念模型标准
CityGML 3.0 概念模型标准描述了用于表示 3D 城市对象的通用语义信息模型。 这是一种改进的建筑物信息模型,可与欧盟 INSPIRE 建筑信息模型和 OpenBIM IFC 标准增强互操作性。 然 …
CityGML 3.0: New Functions Open Up New Applications
2020年2月26日 · CityGML 3.0 will come up with a variety of new features and revisions of existing modules that will increase the usability of CityGML for more user groups and areas of application.
CityGML 3.0 - Chair of Geoinformatics - TUM
2024年11月22日 · CityGML is an international standard issued by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) on the modeling, storage, and exchange of semantic 3D city models. …
CityGML 3.0 Encodings - GitHub
CityGML version 3.0 consists of a single Conceptual Model and multiple implementations of the Conceptual Model using different data definition and data storage methodologies. Each …