Hydrogen spectral series - Wikipedia
The Balmer series includes the lines due to transitions from an outer orbit n > 2 to the orbit n' = 2. Named after Johann Balmer, who discovered the Balmer formula, an empirical equation to predict the Balmer series, in 1885. Balmer lines are historically referred to as "H-alpha", "H-beta", "H-gamma" and so on, where H is the element hydrogen. [10]
Intensities and shifts of Lyman and Balmer lines of hydrogen-like …
2018年11月1日 · The dependencies of alpha, beta and gamma line shifts of Lyman and Balmer series on plasma density (for fixed temperature) and temperature (for fixed density) are investigated. The results for the H α line shifts are compared with the available high-density experimental data.
The ratio of the intensities of the Lyman alpha (n = 2 + l), Balmer alpha (n = 3 2) and Balmer beta (n =4+2) fine structure components of hydrogen-like ions emitted from plasmas of various atomic number Z is examined.
Lyman series - Wikipedia
In physics and chemistry, the Lyman series is a hydrogen spectral series of transitions and resulting ultraviolet emission lines of the hydrogen atom as an electron goes from n ≥ 2 to n = 1 (where n is the principal quantum number), the lowest energy level of the electron (groundstate).
Balmer alpha and Lyman beta in the hydrogen geocorona
The spherical Lyman-β radiative transfer problem is solved for several theoretical models of the hydrogen geocorona. Comparisons of the computed intensities with the experimental observations of Lyman β and Balmer α airglows show that the geocoronal Balmer α contribution is superimposed on a uniform background of about 4 R.
Balmer Series vs. Lyman Series - What's the Difference? | This vs.
The Lyman Series includes several significant spectral lines, such as Lyman-alpha (121.6 nm), Lyman-beta (102.6 nm), Lyman-gamma (97.3 nm), and so on. These lines correspond to the transitions from higher energy levels (n>1) to the first energy level (n=1).
Simultaneous observation of Lyman- alpha and Balmer- beta …
1987年8月1日 · Simultaneous observation of Lyman- alpha and Balmer- beta transitions in hydrogenic iron, Fe25+: A novel technique for 1s Lamb-shift measurement Phys Rev A Gen Phys . 1987 Aug 1;36(3):1515-1518. doi: 10.1103/physreva.36.1515.
Lyman series - Vaporia
It is one of the hydrogen line series, such as the Balmer series, and is named after Theodore Lyman. The lines fall within extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and those produced by astronomical sources cannot be observed from the ground unless considerably redshifted. Lines: 2 -> 1: 121.6 nm (aka Lyman alpha, Ly-α) 3 -> 1: 102.6 nm (aka Lyman beta, Ly-β)
Hydrogen Spectrum: Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett, and …
2020年3月2日 · The x-rays produced by transitions from the n=2 to n=1 levels are called K-alpha x-rays, and those for the n=3 to n = 1 transition are called K-beta x-rays. For a particular material, the wavelength has definite value.
Simultaneous measurements of the hydrogen airglow emissions of Lyman …
A Lyman-beta model based on the hydrogen distribution found to fit the Lyman-alpha data fits the spatial variation of the 740- to 1050-A data well from 100 to 130 km, but it does not fit the data well at higher altitudes; thus the presence of more rapidly absorbed shorter-wavelength radiation is …