Long-term, West Nile virus-induced neurological changes: A …
West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne virus that can cause severe neurological disease in those infected. Those surviving infection often present with long-lasting neurological changes that can severely impede their lives. The most common reported symptoms are depression, memory loss, and motor dysfunction.
West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease: neurological …
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that has caused ongoing seasonal epidemics in the United States since 1999. It is estimated that ≤1% of WNV-infected patients will develop neuroinvasive disease (West Nile encephalitis and/or myelitis) that can result in debilitating morbidities and long-term sequelae.
Long-Term Neurological Outcomes in West Nile Virus–Infected …
Long-term neurological abnormalities were most commonly found in patients who experienced primary WNV encephalitis. New abnormalities may develop over time regardless of initial clinical infection.
West Nile virus neuroinvasive disease: neurological ... - PubMed
2014年5月9日 · It is estimated that ≤1% of WNV-infected patients will develop neuroinvasive disease (West Nile encephalitis and/or myelitis) that can result in debilitating morbidities and long-term sequelae. It is essential to collect longitudinal information about the recovery process and to characterize predicative factors that may assist in therapeutic ...
Uncovering the neurological effects of West Nile virus during a …
2023年10月15日 · The 2020–21 outbreak of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Andalusia, Spain, was the largest ever reported in the country, with an unprecedented number of neurological complications. Vector activity was exceptionally high in this region, with Culex perexiguus observed in rice-growing areas and Culex pipiens in urban areas ( Chancey et al., 2015 ).
West Nile Virus-Induced Neurologic Sequelae-Relationship to ... - PubMed
Recent findings: Focusing on the recently discovered antimicrobial roles of amyloid and alpha-synuclein, we connect WNV late pathology to overlapping features encountered in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
West Nile Virus, The New Great Mimic: A Case Series of ... - Neurology
2024年4月9日 · As of October 2023, there are a total of 542 cases of WNV with 298 cases reported as neuroinvasive, making Colorado the leading state of reported WNV in the US. We have encountered 3 unique clinical presentations of neuroinvasive WNV acting as mimics to stroke, seizure and botulism.
West Nil Virus - AGES
Der Erreger des West-Nil-Fiebers ist das West-Nil-Virus (WNV). Das WNV ist ein behülltes RNA Virus, welches über Mückenstiche der Gattung Culex von infizierten Vögeln auf Menschen und Säugertiere übertragen wird.
Das West-Nil-Virus zirkuliert seit 2018 auch in Deutschland zwischen einhei-mischen Mücken und Vögeln, vor allem in der Mitte Ostdeutschlands. Nach akzidenteller Übertragung auf den Menschen entwickeln ca. 80 % der In-fizierten keine und ca. 20 % nur milde Symptome eines West-Nil-Fiebers. Etwa 1 % haben schwere neurologische Symptome.
Severe West Nile Virus Neuroinvasive Disease: Clinical …
Though most of the infected individuals are asymptomatic (80%) or develop a self-limited flu-like disease (20%), 1% will develop the severe form of West Nile Virus Neuroinvasive Disease (WNV NID), manifesting as meningitis, encephalitis, Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP), or a combination of those [1,2,3,4]. WNV meningitis is characterized by fever ...