Characterization and localization of cocaine- and amphetamine …
2006年6月1日 · Here we report the production and purification of a fusion protein consisting of CART (55-102) and the green fluorescent protein (GFP) which displays biological activity on food intake in mice. We used this protein to characterize CART binding sites on HepG2, a hepatocarcinoma cell line, and to localize binding sites in the mouse hypothalamus. 2.
CART neurons in the arcuate nucleus and lateral hypothalamic …
The conditional tamoxifen-induced Cre activation and concomitant intranuclear delivery of AAV-FLEX-Cart or AAV-FLEX-GFP in the hypothalamus resulted in Cartcre/cre and Cartcre/+ mice with CART or GFP selectively expressed in CART neurons at the Arc or LHA.
Expansion, transfection efficiency, and phenotypic analysis of CART …
CART, chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells; FACS, fluorescent-activated cell sorting; GFP, green fluorescence protein; PBMNC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell. from publication: Treatment...
GFP Antibody (B-2) | SCBT - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
2024年1月4日 · GFP Antibody (B-2) is a mouse monoclonal IgG2a kappa light chain antibody, developed against the full-length green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria, …
CART antibody labels ooDSGCs A. CART and anti-GFP …
CART antibody labels ooDSGCs A. CART and anti-GFP immunostaining identify double-positive RGCs in a retinal whole mount from line YFP-H. GFP channel shows the morphology of a YFP + CART...
GFP Antibody (FL) | SCBT - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
GFP Antibody (FL) is a rabbit polyclonal IgG; 200 µg/ml epitope corresponding to amino acids 1-238 representing full length GFP (green fluorescent protein) of Aequorea victoria origin
GitHub - dyasnurlitasari/GFP-Shopping-Cart-Analysis
README.md This is a Group Final Project of Full Stack Data Analytics Program from Group O that using Australian shopping cart as a datasets.
A549-GFP-Puro+EGFRvIIIt单克隆株, CART靶点细胞株|仪器产品
CART靶点细胞株,荧光蛋白泛素化细胞周期指示物 (Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell Cycle Indicator,简称 FUCCI) 是将红色荧光蛋白和绿色荧光蛋白分别与细胞周期调节因子 Cdt1 和 Geminin融合
GFP (CAG Promoter) lentivirus - gentarget.com
Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) under the CAG promoter, good for cell types with strong CAG promoter strength.
GFP 865DH 65" Dual Heat Wide Format Roll Laminator
The swing up feed table and convenient 36” table height make it easier for busy operators to stage multiple jobs. The GFP 865HD is ideal for office environments, print shops and copy shops. Key features on the GFP 865DH-3R: