Large quasar group - Wikipedia
On January 11, 2013, the discovery of the Huge-LQG was announced by the University of Central Lancashire, as the largest known structure in the universe by that time. It is composed of 74 quasars and has a minimum diameter of 1.4 billion light-years, but over 4 billion light-years at its widest point. [2] .
A structure in the early Universe at - Oxford Academic
2013年1月7日 · Large quasar groups (LQGs) are the largest structures seen in the early Universe, of characteristic size ∼70–350 Mpc, with the highest values appearing to be only marginally compatible with the Yadav, Bagla & Khandai (2010) scale of homogeneity in the concordance cosmology. LQGs generally have ∼5–40 member quasars.
Huge-LQG - Wikipedia
Each black circle and red cross on the upper image map is a quasar similar to this one. The Huge Large Quasar Group, (Huge-LQG, also called U1.27) is a possible structure or pseudo-structure of 73 quasars, referred to as a large quasar group, …
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The Largest Structure Ever Observed in the Universe
2013年1月14日 · At its longest, the quasar group (known technically as U1.27 but more colloquially as Huge-LQG for "large quasar group") runs about 4 *billion* light years, and about 1.6 billion at most points....
The Large Quasar Group, the Largest Structure in the Universe
2013年1月11日 · At 4 billion light-years in length, the Large Quasar Group (LQG) is the largest known structure in the universe and is some 1600 times larger than the distance from the Milky Way to Andromeda.
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【討論】KKL,KKF,KKT是什么意思??? - 百度贴吧
KKL是指相信他们有爱情,是情侣关系。 KKF是指觉得他们是纯友谊,没有爱情成分。 现在不太清楚,而且饭的划分似乎变得更复杂了。 幸好脱坑回来之后决定不混圈了。 Kinki love kinki fan? 我是kkl转职kkf! 从cp粉转团饭但还是相信他们有感情~ KKL和KKH其实不矛盾吧? 既然有感情那发生关系也是很理所当然的。 然后我记得KKF的全称是KinKi Kids Forever。 我觉得我一直站在KKL和KKF的中间,一方面我十分理解两人的相处模式,毕竟两个人都是直男。 一方面看到有 …
[2411.12399] Quantum KKL-type Inequalities Revisited - arXiv.org
2024年11月19日 · In the present paper, we develop the random restriction method in the quantum framework. By applying this method, we establish the quantum Eldan-Gross inequality, the quantum Talagrand isoperimetric inequality, and related quantum KKL-type inequalities.
Kazantzis-Kravaris-Luenberger ( KKL )非线性观测器 - CSDN博客
KKL最早可以追溯到 D. Luenberger 在线性时不变系统的开创性工作 ,之后的半个世纪内,该问题由其理论和应用意义被广泛研究,_非线性观测器 Kazantzis-Kravaris-Luenberger ( KKL )非线性观测器