美利达TFS技术分析(不清楚的请进) - 百度贴吧
TFS是仿液压成型的简称,英文为:Techo Forming System,采用了3D立体特殊成型技术,是属于美利达自行车特有的专利技术。 TFS是仿照HFS,用比较简单的工艺制造出的,貌似HFS车架的东东。 而HFS车架,则是真正有技术含量的;独特的;能与其他品牌真正抗衡的美利达车架。 HFS是Hydraulic Horming System的缩写,就是运用特殊的 Hydraulic Horming System液压成型技术,美利达在6066 prolite的铝合金车架管刻划出绝美的3D立体线条,将车架减到不可思议的程度 …
The DNA-binding network of Mycobacterium tuberculosis - PMC
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infects 30% of all humans and kills someone every 20–30 s. Here we report genome-wide binding for ~80% of all predicted MTB transcription factors (TFs), and assayed global expression following induction of each TF. The MTB DNA-binding network consists of ~16,000 binding events from 154 TFs.
美利达TFS 和HFS车架有什么区别? - 百度知道
TFS是仿液压成型的简称,英文为:Techo Forming System,采用了3D立体特殊成型技术,是属于 美利达 特有的专利技术,仿照HFS用比较简单的工艺制造出的。 而HFS车架,则是真正有技术含量的的美利达车架。 HFS是Hydraulic Horming System的缩写,就是运用特殊的 Hydraulic Horming System液压成型技术。 2、重量不同. 由于TFS车架是简化版本的HFS,HFS车架相对于TFS车价来说,重量更轻,如美利达6066 prolite的铝合金车架18车架约1.4kg,却同时保有超 …
Predicting bacterial fitness in Mycobacterium tuberculosis with ...
2024年9月23日 · Characterizing the gene regulatory activities of transcription factors (TFs) under different environmental or stress conditions could help inform interventions that modulate Mtb growth and survival to cure tuberculosis disease.
Mapping and manipulating the Mycobacterium tuberculosis …
2014年11月3日 · To investigate the MTB transcriptional landscape in a systematic manner, we developed a high-throughput approach to identify the genes controlled by nearly all predicted MTB TFs. We individually cloned and conditionally overexpressed 206 MTB TFs to induce the regulatory signature of each one.
A comprehensive map of genome-wide gene regulation in
2015年3月31日 · In this study, we constructed the first systems-scale map of transcription factor (TF) binding sites and their regulatory target proteins in MTB. We constructed FLAG-tagged overexpression...
Metabolic modeling predicts metabolite changes in …
2015年9月16日 · We have applied the method to predict the metabolic impact of the induction of each of the approximately 180 MTB TFs using a previously generated and publically available expression data set. E-flux-MFC can be used to study global changes in MTB metabolites from gene expression data associated with environmental and genetic perturbations.
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis regulatory network and hypoxia
Using the combination of binding site mapping and functional validation via expression profiling, we analysed the regulatory interactions of 50 TFs (26% of predicted MTB TFs). Our TF selection was weighted towards those that respond to hypoxia or are associated with lipid metabolism.
TFOE Searchable Data File | MTB Network Portal - Institute for …
We individually cloned and conditionally overexpressed 206 MTB TFs to induce the regulatory signature of each one. Using this approach we identified the sets of genes affected by TF overexpression (TFOE) and assembled them into an easily searchable map of transcriptional regulation in MTB.
The DNA-binding network of Mycobacterium tuberculosi s
2015年1月12日 · Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infects 30% of all humans and kills someone every 20–30 s. Here we report genome-wide binding for ~80% of all predicted MTB transcription factors (TFs), and...