Biogenesis of Plant Prevacuolar Multivesicular Bodies
2016年6月6日 · Plant prevacuolar compartments (PVCs), or multivesicular bodies (MVBs), are single membrane-bound organelles that play important roles in mediating protein trafficking to vacuoles in the secretory pathway. PVC/MVB also serves as a late endosome in the endocytic pathway in plants.
Frontiers | A Diverse Membrane Interaction Network for Plant ...
2020年4月29日 · In this review, we first summarize the identity and nature of the plant PVC/MVBs, and then we present an update on our current understanding on the interaction of PVC/MVBs with other organelles in the plant endomembrane system with focus on the vacuole, autophagosome, and plasma membrane (PM) in plant development and stress responses.
MVB指的是多囊体(Multivesicularbody),是溶酶体产生过程中由一个大膜泡包裹小膜泡形成的小体,其也常常作为大多数溶酶体和晚期内小体的统称。 早期内小体成熟的一个关键特征是MVBs的形成。 MVB指的是多囊体(Multivesicularbody),是溶酶体产生过程中由一个大膜泡包裹小膜泡形成的小体,其也常常作为大多数溶酶体和晚期内小体的统称。
Plant prevacuolar compartments (PVCs), or multivesicular bodies (MVBs), are single membrane-bound organelles that play important roles in mediating protein trafficking to vacuoles in the secretory pathway. PVC/MVB also serves as a late endosome in the endocytic pathway in plants.
中大学者在植物多囊泡体起源和膜蛋白液泡传输机理的研究中取得 …
由中大生命科学学院姜里文教授(中)领导的研究团队发现了一个新的植物特异ESCRT负调控因数BRAF蛋白在MVB/PVC中腔内小泡的形成和膜蛋白降解分选过程中的功能。 左起:曾咏伦博士、赵琼博士、姜里文教授、沈锦波博士及朱莹。 BRAF在MVB / PVC膜上的功能模式图(A)。 BRAF被聚集到MVB/PVC膜上,并通过直接结合ESCRT-I组分Vps23与FREE1竞争(B),从而负向调节MVB/PVC上FREE1的功能(C)。 由香港中文大学(中大)生命科学学院卓敏生命科 …
植物空泡多泡体的生物发生。,Molecular Plant - X-MOL
植物的前室室(pvc)或多囊泡体(mvb)是单膜结合的细胞器,在介导蛋白质运输到分泌途径的液泡中起重要作用。 PVC / MVB在植物的内吞途径中也起着晚期内体的作用。
植物多囊体的多种膜相互作用网络:在蛋白质液泡输送和非常规分 …
常规地,被鉴定为多囊泡体(MVB)的植物前空室(PVC)在分泌途径(作为中间室)和内吞途径(作为晚期内体)中均起重要作用。 近年来,已经提出PVC / MVB在蛋白质液泡传递和非常规分泌中都起着重要作用,但是有关协调PVC / MVB-细胞器膜相互作用及其生物学意义的新调节剂和环境提示的几个重要问题仍然存在。 在这篇评论中,我们首先总结植物PVC / MVB的身份和性质,然后,我们介绍了有关PVC / MVB与植物膜系统中其他细胞器相互作用的最新知识,重点是植物发 …
A Unique Plant ESCRT Component, FREE1, Regulates …
2014年11月3日 · Gao et al. provide the first functional study of a PVC/MVB-localized and plant-specific FYVE domain protein, which binds to PI3P lipid and is essential for plant growth via its role as a unique evolutionary plant ESCRT-I component for PVC/MVB biogenesis and vacuolar sorting of membrane proteins in plants.
Biogenesis of Plant Prevacuolar Multivesicular Bodies - Cell Press
Plant prevacuolar compartments (PVCs), or multivesicular bodies (MVBs), are single membrane-bound organelles that play important roles in mediating protein trafficking to vacuoles in the secretory pathway. PVC/MVB also serves as a late endosome in the endocytic pathway in plants.
A Diverse Membrane Interaction Network for Plant ... - PubMed
2020年4月30日 · In this review, we first summarize the identity and nature of the plant PVC/MVBs, and then we present an update on our current understanding on the interaction of PVC/MVBs with other organelles in the plant endomembrane system with focus on the vacuole, autophagosome, and plasma membrane (PM) in plant development and stress responses.