Metacarpophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis of the Thumb – …
Disorders of the thumb metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint can lead to significant loss of function, deformity, and pain. Surgical treatment of these disorders ranges from arthroscopic synovectomy to ligament reconstruction or arthrodesis.
Functional and patient-reported outcomes of the Swanson …
2017年3月24日 · Replacement of the metacarpo-phalangeal joints (MCPJ) with silastic Swanson’s implants can help decrease pain, stiffness and allow for improved function in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). There is a lack of patient reported outcome measure (PROM) studies assessing the efficacy of this procedure in RA.
PROM exercises are initiated 2 times a day. 15 repetitions to each digit. PROM exercises begin with the small finger as it is most likely to have limitation in A/P flexion. Patients demonstrating limited passive flexion (<50 ) may increase PROM to 4-6 times a day as long as significant extensor lag (<30 ) is not present
Efficacy of Static Progressive Splinting in the Management of ...
2014年12月1日 · The PROM of the treated MCP joints of all patients increased, and the AROM of 29 patients improved. The overall regained ROM in finger flexion was higher after the intervention programme. The mean overall PROM increase was 35.54 ± …
APL – strong muscle that abducts thumb and pulls MC radially. Opposes the powerful adductors of the thumb and limits dorso-radial collapse of MC and narrowing of 1st web space. EPL - not desirable as acts as adductor. Use sparingly to maintain flexibility in absence of established deformity. CMC Stability– Dosing?
MCPJ extended, IP joints 30°-40º flexion •Extreme cases ‘claw’ hand •Increases pain and decreases ROM, flexion deformities occur, can lead to fibrosis
Suggested therapeutic exercises • Initiate gentle thumb MCPJ flexion AROM allowing up to 35˚ • If ROM painful, consider 1 more week of immobilization and/or refer to physician to re-evaluate Orthosis • Hand based orthosis with MP protected from radial/ulnar deviation to be worn at all times except hygiene and exercises
(PROM) determines, from the point of view of the pa-tient, whether an important change has occurred in their condition. 10) It is commonly calculated by associating clinical meaning to a change score, achieved via a pa-tient rated external criterion such as the Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC) scale.9-11) Calculation of
phalangeal joint (MCPJ) in a flexed position with the extensor tendon on the radial or ulnar side of the joint. Radial subluxation of extensor tendon is more common than ulnar. This can be caused trauma or chronic inflammatory process, like arthritis. Diagnosis can be made clinically with the inability to initiate MCP
Initiate gentle AROM/PROM to the PIPJ 4-6/day, 20 repetitions. Patient is to wear the extension splint in between exercise sessions and at night. If flexion of the PIPJ is limited, buddy straps may be utilized and patient is to perform PIPJ flexion exercises more frequently during the day.