TU-12 | Chromatic Tuner - BOSS
The TU-12 is the tuner that established BOSS quality, reliability and durability as the industry standard. Highly visible sharp/flat LED indicators, tuning meter for precise information ; Adjustable standard pitch from 440 to 445Hz in 1Hz increments ; Switchable between Guitar/Bass and Automatic Chromatic tuning
BOSS - TU-12EX | Chromatic Tuner - BOSS - Global
This successor to the legendary TU-12 provides BOSS’ famous needle/LED indicators for fast, accurate tuning. Other features include Flat Tuning of up to six half steps, ACCU-PITCH with an audible beep, a reference tone, a built-in microphone …
Boss TU-12 Chromatic Tuner - Reverb
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BOSS TU-12EX Chromatic Tuner - amazon.com
2009年4月14日 · This successor to the legendary TU-12 provides BOSS famous needle/LED indicators for fast, accurate tuning. Other features include Flat Tuning of up to six half steps, ACCU-PITCH with an audible beep, a reference tone, a built-in microphone for acoustic instruments and battery-saving Auto-Off.
欢迎访问BOSS中文网站 - TU-12EX | 半音阶调调音表
TU-12EX作为BOSS的知名产品——TU-12的有力继任者,延续了TU-12精准快速的“针式/LED”显示结构。 TU-12EX还具备最大6个半音的平直调音、“ACCU-PITCH”提示音辅助调音、基准音发声调音功能。 内置的麦克风同样可用于原声乐器的调音,另外还为节省电力设计了自动关机功能。 作为畅销的TU-12的后续产品,全新的TU-12EX可以精确的进行调音,指示明显的Sharp和Flat指示灯可以让您自由的进行调音。 TU-12EX 具有2种形式的输入:线性输入及内置的话筒。 将您的 …
欢迎访问BOSS中文网站 - TU-12 | 半音阶调音表
访问 Roland/BOSS 官方 bilibili 频道,您可以观看有关产品、功能介绍及操作的各种视频。 Roland/BOSS 官方微信公众号,在这里您可以得到有关新产品、新闻、艺术家、活动等各方面的前沿信息。
Boss Classics
Easily the world's most popular compact guitar and bass tuner, the TU-12 Chromatic Tuner offers reliable tuning with needle-point accuracy and helpful LEDs, as well as a compact design that easily fits into guitar cases and onto pedalboards.
BOSS - TU-12 | Chromatic Tuner - BOSS - Global
The TU-12 is the tuner that established BOSS quality, reliability and durability as the industry standard. Highly visible sharp/flat LED indicators, tuning meter for precise information ; Adjustable standard pitch from 440 to 445Hz in 1Hz increments ; Switchable between Guitar/Bass and Automatic Chromatic tuning
【プロ愛用】BOSS TU-12シリーズ(3機種)を比較 | アコギマニ …
2024年3月27日 · TU-12EXはチューニングが合った時に、「ピピッ」と音が出る「アキュピッチ機能」やチューニングの「基準音」をスピーカーから出すことができます。 とても便利な機能なのですが、チューナーの電源が入った状態だと演奏中にも「ピピッ」と鳴ります。 正直、使用頻度は高くありません。 スピーカーの有無は、そこまで重要ではないです。 本体の背面を見ると、生産国の違いがわかります。 ギター製品に限らず、生活品の中で「Made in CHINA」と …
BOSS TU-12 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Boss TU-12 instruction manual online. Digital Processing Chromatic Tuner. TU-12 tuner pdf manual download.