Jaguar XKR - James Bond 007
The XKR started its life as the Jaguar XK8 (project code X100), which was launched in 1996 as the first generation of a new XK series. The XK8 was available in coupé or convertible body styles and with the new 4.0 litre Jaguar AJ-V8 engine. In 1998 the XKR was introduced with a supercharged version of the engine.
Jaguar XKR - James Bond Wiki
The Jaguar XKR is a grand tourer car that was launched by Jaguar Cars in 1998. The car was featured extensively in 2002's Die Another Day as the lead henchman, Zao 's vehicle. The vehicle was similar in almost every way to a Q Branch equipped automobile.
ボンドカーとは、映画『007』シリーズに登場し、イギリス秘密情報部(MI6)に所属する主人公ジェームズ・ボンドが運転する車のことです。 第3作『007ゴールドフィンガー』で人気の火付け役となったアストンマーティン・DB5がもっとも有名ですが、ロータス・カーズやBMWの車に乗ってカーチェイスを繰り広げたこともあります。 また、ボンドカーといえばMI6の研究機関Q課が開発した秘密兵器も見どころの1つ。 潜水艦に変形したり、透明になったりと、SF …
邦德座驾回顾(一)——永恒的特工神车阿斯顿•马丁DB5 - 哔哩哔哩
多年之后,捷豹E-type的后续车型XKR成为了007电影《择日而亡》(Die Another Day)中能够与邦德座驾针锋相对的反派战车. 在那个年代,“软广告”的概念并没有深入各大商业品牌的内心。 尽管此时007系列电影已经在全球范围内大红大紫,但是当制片方找到捷豹公司寻求合作时,却被对方一口回绝。 于是制片方再次将目光投向了阿斯顿·马丁,考虑到书中提到的DB3已经是七八年前的老型号,导演看上了当时DB系列的最新型号——DB5。 为了能够达成合作,007系列电影 …
Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust
Our XKR from the Bond film ‘Die Another Day’ had a day out on Sunday 5 June 2022 – taking part as one of the James Bond cars in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant processing up The Mall to Buckingham Palace – in front of a UK TV audience of over 13 million people.
你不知道的捷豹 | Jaguar 2024 Media Newsroom
细数007所遇到的对手,最"浮夸"的那一个非这款捷豹xkr跑车莫属。 在2002年上映的《007:择日而死》中, 捷豹xkr完成了ta在詹姆斯·邦德系列电影中的"首秀"。影片中大反派穆恩上校收藏的各色名车中就包括捷豹xkr。想想当时,xkr也是把邦德追的叫苦不迭!
007的谢幕不是告别,捷豹用坚守创新_詹姆斯·邦德 - 搜狐
2021年11月15日 · 捷豹首次在《007:择日而亡》里露面,偏好收藏名车的大反派穆恩上校,也有一辆捷豹XKR,并且在追逐大战中,将野性美和速度绽放到极致。 如果邦德能被追上,这位影迷相信只会是捷豹。 在《007:幽灵党》这部里,最大的看点之一,就是捷豹C-X75与阿斯顿•马丁DB10在月光下那场你追我赶,甚至成为007电影里一个经典回忆,从多部追逐大戏里脱颖而出。 在所有的007电影里,印象最深刻的追逐戏调查里,这部从未被量产的捷豹C-X75,提名率名列 …
Jaguar XKR Convertible - National Motor Museum
Our 2002 Jaguar XKR Convertible featured in James Bond’s Die Another Day, going head to head on a frozen lake against 007’s Aston Martin V12 Vanquish.
Jaguar XKR | James Bond Cars & Vehicles
Armed with mini-missiles hidden under the front grille, rockets hidden in the doors and high explosive mortar bombs launched from the boot, Bond meets his match with the Jaguar XKR. The chase continues into Gustav Graves' flooding ice palace, where it appears Bond is beaten when he is trapped high above in the palace.
JAGUAR'S VILLAINOUS XKR | Jaguar 2024 Media Newsroom
2012年11月21日 · A decade after its starring role in the 2002 James Bond romp Die Another Day, the machine gun‑toting, missile‑firing, rocket‑launching Jaguar XKR driven by the evil, diamond‑studded villain Zao, has a new starring role.