Jaguar XKR - James Bond 007
The XKR started its life as the Jaguar XK8 (project code X100), which was launched in 1996 as the first generation of a new XK series. The XK8 was available in coupé or convertible body …
Jaguar XKR - James Bond Wiki
The Jaguar XKR is a grand tourer car that was launched by Jaguar Cars in 1998. The car was featured extensively in 2002's Die Another Day as the lead henchman, Zao 's vehicle. The …
ボンドカーとは、映画『007』シリーズに登場し、イギリス秘密情報部(MI6)に所属する主人公ジェームズ・ボンドが運転する車のことです。 第3作『007ゴールドフィンガー』で人気の …
邦德座驾回顾(一)——永恒的特工神车阿斯顿•马丁DB5 - 哔哩哔哩
多年之后,捷豹E-type的后续车型XKR成为了007电影《择日而亡》(Die Another Day)中能够与邦德座驾针锋相对的反派战车. 在那个年代,“软广告”的概念并没有深入各大商业品牌的内心 …
Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust
Our XKR from the Bond film ‘Die Another Day’ had a day out on Sunday 5 June 2022 – taking part as one of the James Bond cars in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant processing up The …
你不知道的捷豹 | Jaguar 2024 Media Newsroom
细数007所遇到的对手,最"浮夸"的那一个非这款捷豹xkr跑车莫属。 在2002年上映的《007:择日而死》中, 捷豹xkr完成了ta在詹姆斯·邦德系列电影中的"首秀"。影片中大反派穆恩上校收藏的 …
007的谢幕不是告别,捷豹用坚守创新_詹姆斯·邦德 - 搜狐
2021年11月15日 · 捷豹首次在《007:择日而亡》里露面,偏好收藏名车的大反派穆恩上校,也有一辆捷豹XKR,并且在追逐大战中,将野性美和速度绽放到极致。 如果邦德能被追上,这位 …
Jaguar XKR Convertible - National Motor Museum
Our 2002 Jaguar XKR Convertible featured in James Bond’s Die Another Day, going head to head on a frozen lake against 007’s Aston Martin V12 Vanquish.
Jaguar XKR | James Bond Cars & Vehicles
Armed with mini-missiles hidden under the front grille, rockets hidden in the doors and high explosive mortar bombs launched from the boot, Bond meets his match with the Jaguar XKR. …
JAGUAR'S VILLAINOUS XKR | Jaguar 2024 Media Newsroom
2012年11月21日 · A decade after its starring role in the 2002 James Bond romp Die Another Day, the machine gun‑toting, missile‑firing, rocket‑launching Jaguar XKR driven by the evil, …