Have a 02 c230 kompressor wont start ( of course ) I have
C230 kompressor is having an eratic idling, 160,000 miles and the engine is 2.3, 2003, replaced air intake mass sensor, Lou Palomino 25 yr auto tech, 20 for Mercedes-Benz
02 c230 wont crank or start everything works when i turn
Customer: 02 c230 wont crank or start everything works when i turn key just wont turn over Mechanic's Assistant: Can you turn the steering wheel at all? And what about the key? Is it worn or damaged? Customer: Yeah can trn key just had new key programed Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your C230 yourself? What have you tried so far?
Stan, I have an 02 c230 Kompressor that won't start. I ... - JustAnswer
Customer: Hi Stan, I have an 02 c230 Kompressor that won't start. I read two codes a P0500 and a P0600. I read two codes a P0500 and a P0600. I tried plugging in the code reader again to find out which speed sensor is the problem, but now I'm not getting any codes.
N 5hank you. I have an 02 C230 Kompressor copue that
I have an 02 C230 Kompressor copue that suddenly will not start. I've replaced c Ed thebatteries n my farb as well as the car battery n still nothing. All lights n such work. My DTR N ESP LIGHTS are on as well Mechanic's Assistant: Hi there. Is the ESP light blinking or flashing, or is it solid? When did you first notice it?
My car ('02 c230) keeps draining the battery. 2 weeks ago, the …
Customer: My car ('02 c230) keeps draining the battery. 2 weeks ago, the battery died and I went to the mechanic and he felt the battery was 6 years old and needed replacing.
I have a w 203, 02 c230 Kompressor, the wipers won't go
Customer: I have a w 203 , 02 c230 Kompressor, the wipers won't go off, & the speeds are backwards on the combination switch Mechanic's Assistant: Have you checked the fuses? Do you know if there is power to the wiper motor? Customer: yes Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your C230 Kompressor yourself? What have you tried so far?
Fixing Belt Issues on '02 Mercedes C230 - FAQ - JustAnswer
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Mercedes Benz C230 Kompressor Coupe 02 I recently had gas …
Marty, I have another question concerning the same vehicle 02 C230 Kompressor Coupe. I'm trying to change my right rear stop light which is the top bulb on the bulb case carrier, however I'm having problems taking the bulb carrier out.
Mercedes-Benz C230 Kompressor: I have a 02 C230 k my car has…
2013年7月31日 · 1999 mercedes c230 kompressor, i keep getting codes for a cylinder #2 misfire and p0170 but cannot find the prob. i changed the coils, boots, wires, spark plugs, o2 sensors, and the MAS[made car run w …
Mercedes-Benz C230 Kompressor: I have an 02 c230 coupe. The
2012年1月25日 · I have an 02 c230 coupe. The car has been in and out of the shop for close to three months now due to one problem. The cars acceleration lags. First The mechanic thought it was a head gasket leak, so we replaced that whole assembly, then the 02 sensors and then the whole fan assembly. I just got the car back and now the same issue has arose.