7400 Series Guide: 74HC04/74LS04 (NOT gates) - Build Electronic …
In this guide, you will learn what the 74×04 IC does and how to hook it up in a circuit. What does the 74HC04 / 74LS04 do? The 74×04 gives you six inverters that can be used individually. A …
74LS04 Datasheet (PDF) - Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments (TI) is a publicly traded company that designs and manufactures semiconductor and computer technology products. It was founded in 1930 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas.
CMOS逻辑IC 04(反相器)和U04(无缓冲反相器)有什么区别? …
作为标准功能CMOS逻辑IC的反相器,有“04”和“U04”两种。 “04”用于一般逻辑处理(数字信号处理),“U04”主要用于晶振电路、RC振荡电路等振荡器。
半导小芯-芯片查询工具_芯片替代查询_数据手册查询_规格书查询_datasheet查询_IC …
半导小芯专注于国外和国产芯片资料查询,都在用的芯片查询工具,为您提供规格书查询,数据手册查询,datasheet查询,IC查询,替代型号查询,国产替代等相关信息,帮您快速找到数据手册、数据表、规格书、datasheet、替代型号、联系方式、技术参数、参数 ...
SN74HC04 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
14-24-LOGIC-EVM — Logic product generic evaluation module for 14-pin to 24-pin D, DB, DGV, DW, DYY, NS and PW packages. The 14-24-LOGIC-EVM evaluation module (EVM) is …
PIC16C54C-04/P Microchip Technology - PIC16C54C-04/P | DigiKey Electronics
PIC16C54C-04/P – PIC PIC® 16C Microcontroller IC 8-Bit 4MHz 768B (512 x 12) OTP 18-PDIP from Microchip Technology. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
TC74HC04AP | 東芝デバイス&ストレージ株式会社 | 日本
汎用ロジックIC、 Hex Inverter, DIP14|データシートのダウンロード、製品概要を確認することができます。
74LS04 Hex Inverter IC / NOT Gate IC - Datasheet - Circuits DIY
2020年6月2日 · 74LS04 Hex Inverter belongs to the 74XXYY IC series. In this article, we will take a look at the key features & specifications of the 74LS04 Hex Inverter IC
PIC16C54C-04/P Microchip Technology | 集成电路(IC) | DigiKey
来自 Microchip Technology 的 PIC16C54C-04/P – PIC PIC® 16C 微控制器 IC 8 位 4MHz 768B(512 x 12) OTP 18-PDIP。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
7404 Integrated Circuit (IC): Datasheet, Pinout, Pin Diagram
2023年11月24日 · The 7404 IC, also known as the hex inverter, is comprised of six independent inverters, each capable of transforming logic high signals to logic low and vice versa. Its versatility makes it an indispensable building block for numerous applications, ranging from basic logic gates to more complex digital circuits.