O5 Command Dossier - SCP Foundation
2024年11月2日 · O5-6: "The Figurehead", or "The Elder". Male. African descent. American origin. Verified post-human lifespan; likely 200+ years of age. One of the founding members of the O5 Council, O5-6 was already old when he joined. He is now said to have aged beyond even the abilities of to rejuvenate him.
O5-6 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
O5-6 is the sixth member of the O5 Council, the ruling council of the SCP Foundation. As with other O5 members, O5-6 is an enigmatic figure, who's true identity and appearance are completely unknown to the rest of the Foundation, save for the rest of …
Cowboy | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
O5-6, nicknamed "Cowboy" or "The American", is an American executive who serves as O5-6 on the O5 Council. Commonly seen wearing cowboy attire, O5-6 is an ex-agent who made his way up the ladder due to his "professional yet genial" attitude and reputation for his high competency.
O5议会 - 百度百科
O5议会是著名网络共笔文学小说系列《SCP基金会》笔下的,是13名对基金会拥有最高掌控权的人员组成的机构。 这13名O5议员拥有无上的权力。 他们不会也不能与任何异常实体进行接触 …
O5-5, O5-6, and O5-7 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
O5-5 oversees the Foundation's front organizations. He creates funding for almost all Foundation projects. Habitually manipulates economies to the Foundation's benefit.
O5 Council | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The O5 Council, alternatively known as the Overseer Council, O5 Command, or Overwatch, is the ruling council of the SCP Foundation. Part of the Administrative Department, the O5 Council is composed of thirteen of the best and the brightest of the Foundation; some members are anomalous, while others are average humans.
O5 Command | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
The O5 Command (also known as the O5 Council, Overseers, Overwatch, and the Big Thirteen) are the highest known authority within the SCP Foundation, consisting of the organization's top-ranking leaders. They are a shadowy group of people, a secret society within a …
O5 Council | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
The O5 Council, also known as the O5 Command, the Overseers, or the Overwatch, is an overarching faction in the SCP Foundation series. It is the ruling body of the SCP Foundation, consisting of 13 individuals who are widely regarded, and rightfully so, as among the most powerful, if not the most...
SCP-056 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-056 is a being of variable size, gender, and appearance, which changes in response to the environment around it, especially in regards to living and sentient beings.
Dossier du Commandement O5 - Fondation SCP
O5-6 : "Le Pantin". Homme. Ascendance européenne. Origine africaine. Quarantenaire. Généralement vêtu de costumes de bon goût. Rarement aperçu en public, mais un membre très actif du Commandement O5 en interne.