07 kia optima exv6 extremely difficult to start after a ... - JustAnswer
Customer: 07 kia optima exv6 extremely difficult to start after a fillup at the pump when it finaly does start it sputters and stalls lasting several minutes before operating normally. this does not occur if i fill tank with 5 gal container
07 Kia spectra won’t turn over after ignition coil ... - JustAnswer
Customer: 07 Kia spectra won’t turn over after ignition coil replacement Mechanic's Assistant: Would you prefer help from an online mechanic or a recommendation for a repair shop in your area? Customer: Online mechanic Mechanic's Assistant: Great choice! Let me transfer you to a mechanic who can help guide you step by step.
Kia Sorento Transmission Line Leak? Expert Fix & Tips - JustAnswer
Customer: 07 kia sorento transmission lines that go into the radiator there's 2 lines they have the flare type copper line fittings is there anykind of washer that goes i. There i put none leaking pretty bad i tighten but I'm afraid to over tighten gotta be at work at 11 tonight basically is there any grommet washer etc
07 kia sedona throwing codes p2106 p1295 p161B van will start …
Customer: 07 kia sedona throwing codes p2106 p1295 p161B van will start but makes loud knocking sound, and will not accelerate. Dealer said it needed a new throttle body. Had a new one put on and no difference. Any ideas?
2007 Kia Rondo Blower Motor: Q&A on Heat/AC Blower Run Time
07 kia rondo v6 My heat& ac blower run all the time with the key on, will not change speeds, i installed ablower Mechanic's Assistant chat Customer: 07 kia rondo v6 My heat& ac blower run all the time with the key on , will not change speeds, i installed ablower transistor, and still the same. no change Help i
Brakes dragging. 165 no. 07kia Sorento. 07. I change the
Customer: 07 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Sorento yourself? What have you tried so far? What have you tried so far? Customer: ok i change the rotor it was bad and i got new pads first problem emergency brakes was stuck i got that fix and now its dragging Mechanic's Assistant: Anything else you want the Mechanic to know before I ...
My 07 Kia spectra alarms and won't turn over when trying
I have a 2007 Kia Spectra was running fine i had the battery unhooked put it back in cranked the engine and when I put Mike Kelly 17 years experience as an auto mechanic, foreign and domestic. 5 years running my own repair business.
Q&A: 07 Optima - No Heat | Kia Optima EX | JustAnswer
Customer: I have a 07 kia optima 2.7. I have no heat. engine temperature is good. I have digital controls. Wondering if it is the blend door actuator. I took the panel below steering wheel and removed the floor duct to drivers side to see the blend door. It is moving.
Kia Spectra Timing Belt Q&A: Diagrams, Marks & Replacement
Customer: I am changing my timing belt in a 07 kia spectra and need help with a question. I took the bolt out of the tensioner pulley and changed the belt then reinstalled it. Is the cam action on this all there is for tension or did I release some spring action somehow.
Common Ignition Lock Cylinder Problems: Expert Q&A - JustAnswer
Customer: 07 Kia Amanti ignition switch or lock cylinder problems. Mechanic's Assistant: Has the Kia been stalling out? Customer: Unable to turn key yesterday. After much wiggling of key, we got it to start Mechanic's Assistant: What year is your Amanti? Customer: 07, no problems with how ity runs Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your ...