Type 095 submarine - Wikipedia
The Type 095 (Chinese designation: 09- V) is a planned class of third-generation nuclear attack submarines for the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China.
09V型核潜艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
09V型核潜艇 (北約代號:“ 隋級 ”, 英文: Sui-class)是 中国人民解放军海军 研制中的新型 核动力 攻击型潜艇,为 09III型核潜艇 的后继型。 美国海军 情报证实09V型攻击型核潜艇的存在,由于 核反应堆 技术的重大突破,09V型攻击型核潜艇服役时间极大的提前 [2]。 國外專家預計09V型潛艇將會大幅改進 聲學 特徵,降低被發現的機率 [3][4][5]。 2012年, 美国海军 战略专家比尔·格茨说,中国海军的093型核动力攻击型潜艇之所以建造不到6艘,原因是中国军方已经把目光投 …
"China Maritime Report No. 30: A Brief Technical History of PLAN …
2023年8月17日 · This report argues that the propulsion, quieting, sensors, and weapons capabilities of the Type 095 SSGN could approach Russia’s Improved Akula I class SSN. The Type 095 will likely be equipped with a pump jet propulsor, a freefloating horizontal raft, a hybrid propulsion system, and 12-18 vertical launch system tubes able to accommodate anti ...
China’s Type 095 Submarine: A Source of Worry for the U.S. Navy
2021年11月11日 · The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence may have said it best, “the PLA (N) will progress to the Type 095 SSN, which may provide a generational improvement in many areas such as quieting and ...
Type 095 Sui Class SSN - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年2月6日 · China is further expanding its current force of nuclear-powered attack submarines and may add up to five advanced Type 095 SSNs to the inventory in the coming years.
Type 095 Sui SSN - GlobalSecurity.org
The Type 095 may also first the sophisticated HY-4 cruise missile with a range of 3,000km. If this type of missile carried a nuclear warhead, it can destroy up to 2km2 of any targeted area.
中国095型隋级攻击核潜艇_Type 095 Sui Class SSN_GlobalMil-环 …
这份报告2013年版指出,“在未来十年,中国将有可能建造095型导弹攻击潜艇(SSGN),这可能使潜艇具备陆上攻击能力。 除了可能采用更好的静音技术外,095型还将采用鱼雷和反舰巡航导弹(ASCMs)来完成传统的反舰任务。
Type 095 09V Sui class Attack Submarine SSN China Navy PLAN
China - People's Liberation Army Navy Type 095 (09V) Sui class Attack Submarine - SSN sorry, no image 02/22 Units:
2024年10月30日 · 095型采用全电推进系统后,潜艇的航速、机动性和自持力将得到全面提升,能够在敌方水下反潜力量密集的区域中保持高度隐蔽,并在远洋巡航任务中具备更强的持续作战能力。
Type 095 Sui SSN - GlobalSecurity.org
Type 095 Sui SSNType 095 Sui SSN
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