0RESMON | 0R-CHAT [3 Different Chat Type] Open Source | 0r
Modern UI with emoji support and ability to mute the chat. Lots of commands filled with lots of details for a better roleplay experience such as: When someone wears a mask, 'me' 'do' …
- 评论数: 349
US-scripts/0r-chat - GitHub
2024年11月19日 · Remove the chat script and the "chat-theme-gtao" script you are using on your server. Upload the folder to your server. Add it to server.cfg and start it. Don't forget to take a …
0R-Modern Chat [3 Different Chat Type, Anonim Chat, Music …
2023年10月22日 · Modern UI with emoji support and ability to mute the chat. Lots of commands filled with lots of details for a better roleplay experience such as: When someone wears a …
0RESMON | Welcome
0Resmon premium FiveM mods and FiveM scripts for ESX, QBCore, Qbox, and Ox! Optimize your server with high-quality scripts for the best roleplay experience.
- 评论数: 4500
0R-CHAT V2 (Pictures and Play Music Features) Escrow
Filter chat messages, hotbar. You can roll dice, play rock-paper-scissors. You can edit the chat with the Settings menu. Your name is hidden when wearing a mask. Turn notifications on/off. …
- 评论数: 349
0R-CHAT [3 Different Chat Type] Escrow | 0RESMON
3 Different Chat Type. Music Player . It saves the chat type and position you choose. Even if you leave the server, when you log in again, it continues as you set. Modern UI with emoji support …
- 评论数: 349
0Resmon Documentation | 0Resmon
We've put together some helpful guides for you to get setup with our product quickly and easily. If you have questions about our products or want to get support, join our server. Join the …
0R-CHAT V2 (Pictures and Play Music Features) Escrow
Photo sharing feature in chat. Spotify Music Features . Filter chat messages, hotbar. You can roll dice, play rock-paper-scissors. You can edit the chat with the Settings menu. Your name is …
- 评论数: 349
聊天系统 V10 [播放音乐][发送图片][ESX/QB] - FiveM Store
2024年9月19日 · 100% 开源功能 聊天中的照片共享功能 Spotify 音乐功能 过滤聊天消息,快捷栏 您可以掷骰子、玩石头剪刀布。 您可以使用设置菜单编辑聊天 戴着面具时会隐藏您的名字 打 …
0R-CHAT [3 Different Chat Type, Anonim Chat, Music Player …
2023年10月22日 · https://0resmon.tebex.io/https://discord.gg/0resmon0R-CHAT [3 Different Chat Type, Anonim Chat, Music Player Features]FiveM Scripts, Mods, Maps, Vehicles, Se...