Explain to me where the 'x' in hexadecimal '0xf0' comes from
See the JLS:. In a hexadecimal or binary literal, the integer is only denoted by the digits after the 0x or 0b characters and before any type suffix.
What does 0x0F mean? And what does this code mean?
2012年10月20日 · >>>is the unsigned bitwise right-shift operator. 0x0F is a hexadecimal number which equals 15 in decimal. It represents the lower four bits and translates the the bit-pattern …
c++ - What is this doing: "input >> 4 & 0x0F"? - Stack Overflow
2012年9月20日 · Byte verflag = (Byte)(bIsAck & 0x0f) | ((version << 4) & 0xf0). Here I'm combining two values into a single Byte value to save space because it's being used in a …
When talking about bitwise operators, what does the symbol …
Copied out the Java reference manual: For example, the result of the expression: 0xff00 & 0xf0f0 is: 0xf000 The result of the expression: 0xff00 ^ 0xf0f0 is: 0x0ff0 The
Understanding Tcpdump filter & bit-masking - Stack Overflow
2012年8月1日 · tcp[12]&0xf0) refers to the first half of byte 12 (i.e. the 11th byte), which is the data offset field, which specifies the size of the TCP header in 32-bit words and as such, this is …
c - How does this bits reversion in a byte work? - Stack Overflow
0xF0: 11110000 0x0F: 00001111 0xCC: 11001100 0x33: 00110011 0xAA: 10101010 0x55: 01010101 The first pair of numbers are used to mask out and swap the first 4 bits and the last …
What does 0xFE mean in a C program? - Stack Overflow
2011年8月7日 · Numbers can be represented in different ways. In C, you can use decimal (e.g. 243), octal (e.g. 0363) or hexadecimal (0xF3).
Hex to ASCII in c - Stack Overflow
2012年2月10日 · a byte in your file that is >127 keeps its sign during &0xf0, and >> 4 is a signed shift which makes the bit-pattern keep the bit set in the most significant bit. then you compare …
Capture only ssl handshake with tcpdump - Stack Overflow
2016年9月22日 · tcp[((tcp[12] & 0xf0) >> 2)] = 0x16: a bit more tricky, let's detail this below; tcp[12] means capturing the 13th byte of the tcp packet, corresponding to first half being the …
UTF-8 & Unicode, what's with 0xC0 and 0x80? - Stack Overflow
2010年10月12日 · An interesting aside by the way. You can classify bytes in a UTF-8 stream as follows: With the high bit set to 0, it's a single byte value.