TM 9-2320-280-10 w a r ning d Change 1. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. ARMY TM 9-2320-280-10 AIR FORCE TO 36A12-1A-2091-1 MARINE CORPS TM 2320-10/6B CHANGE HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY, NO. 3 THE AIR FORCE, AND MARINE CORPS WASHINGTON, D.C., 15 July 2004
悍馬 (軍用汽車) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
高機動性多用途輪式車輛 (英語: High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle,缩写 HMMWV,俗稱 Humvee),又称 悍馬,是由AM General汽车公司为 美军 生产的 全轮驱动 车辆。 1991年,歷經 波斯灣戰爭 一役,其優異的機動性、越野性、可靠性和耐久性與各式武器承載上的安裝適應能力,間接促使該款汽車聲名大噪。 部份軍事迷更將其冠上「越野之王」的美譽。 1971年4月, 美国汽车公司 (AMC)旗下部門成立「AM General」(AM General …
TM-9-2320-280-10 - Page 1 of 405 - NSN Depot
1991年6月18日 · tm-9-2320-280-10 - page 1 of 405. army tm 9-2320-280-10. air force to 36a12-1a-2091-1. marine corps tm 2320-10/6b (supersedes tm 9-2320-280-10, 18 june 1991) operator’s manual. for. truck, utility: cargo/troop carrier, 1-1/4 ton, 4x4, m998 (2320-01-107-7155) (eic: bbd); m998a1 (2320-01-371-9577) (eic: bbn);
RC 1/10 HUMVEE 4X4 Military Truck Full Option 2-Speed - RC …
INCLUDES RADIO-7.6V LIPO 4800mah + CHARGER. Highest level of detail and Accuracy From body to chassis. HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION , DESIGNED FOR OFF-ROAD. low gear climbing capabilities , High gear speeds 20 mph +. This is a full option type with 2 speed transmission, LED lights, and ENGINE sounds.
Fully-loaded M1097, M1097A1, M1097A2, and M1123 heavy variant cargo/troop carriers will climb road grades as steep as 60% (31°) and traverse a side slope of up to 40% (22°). The vehicle fords hard bottom water crossing up to 30 inches (76 centimeters) without a deep water fording kit and 60 inches (152 centimeters) with the kit.
【鱼鹰社翻译】HMMWV悍马1980-2005 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
HMMWV是 高机动性多用途轮式车辆 (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle)的缩写,该名称符合美国陆军对其装备使用尴尬、令人费解的名称的传统。 HMMWV的起源与其名称一样复杂。 在越南战争之后,美国陆军的战术车辆库处于不太好的状态。 陆军在20世纪60年代采用了新一代高科技轻型战术车,包括 M151 Mutt (Military Utility Tactical Truck/军用多用途战术卡车)卡车和M561“ 伽马山羊 ”(Gama Goat),这两款车都受到了创新的困扰,这些创新在纸面上比在 …
TM-9-2320-280-10 M977 Series 8 x 8 Heavy Expanded Mobility …
chapter 1 introduction - tm-9-2320-280-10_17 maintenance forms and records equipment improvement report and maintenance digest (eir md) - tm-9-2320-280-10_19 cargo/troop carriers (m998, m998a1, m1038, and m1038a1) man soft top installed) heavy variant cargo/troop carriers (m1097, m1097a1, m1097a2, and m1123)
TM 9-2320-280-10 Operators Manual - HMMWV - Hessen Antique
TM 9-2320-280-10, Operators Manual for Truck, Utility: Cargo/Troop Carrier, 1-1/4 Ton, 4x4 M998 and all variants. This is the operators manual for the military HMMWV: M998, M1038, M966, M1036, M1045, M1046, M1025, M1026, M1043, M1044, M1037, M1042, M996, M997, M1035.
TMs for the M998-Series HMMWV - SteelSoldiers
2011年12月2日 · Listed below are a number of the TM's for the M998 series trucks. To save them to your computer, right click, select "save as". TM-9-2320-280-34 Direct support and general support maintenance for the M998 series trucks. TM-9-2320-280-20-1 TECHNICAL MANUAL UNIT MAINTENANCE for M998 series. Part 1. Jan 1990.
HMMWV M1113/M1114/M1151/M1152/M1165/M1167 TMs
2024年12月6日 · Listed below are a number of the TM's for the M1114 series trucks. To save them to your computer, right click, select "save as". TM-9-2320-387-24-1.pdf...