1-18-08 | Cloverpedia | Fandom
1-18-08 (internationally 18.01.08) is the release date of Cloverfield and the name of a website used to promote the film using Viral Marketing. The website has a number of pictures on it …
科洛弗檔案 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
前導預告是以手持攝影機的方式拍攝,以模擬出家庭錄影帶的風格,而預告中並未公開正式片名,但在結尾處以「1-18-08」的字樣宣告電影將在2008年1月18日上映(北美地區,其他國家 …
Cloverfield - Wikipedia
Cloverfield was released on January 18, 2008, and received generally positive reviews from critics, who praised Reeves's direction and the cinéma vérité style narrative. It earned $172 …
柯洛弗档案 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
至2007年7月28日止,1-18-08.com网站上已放置了五张可以自由移动的照片,分别是在凌晨12:01、12:04、12:36、12:48及01:24拍摄,第一张照片是在预告片中的“派对”拍摄,而另外三 …
Viral | Cloverpedia | Fandom
The Viral is an online marketing campaign that was part of the promotion for the film Cloverfield. Puzzle websites containing Lovecraftian elements, such as Ethan Haas Was Right, were …
看来得重新看这部影片了(科洛弗档案)影评 - 豆瓣电影
2008年8月23日 · Cloverfield在公映之前就推出了一系列神秘的宣传网站,比如http://www.1-18-08.com,还有电影中几个主要角色(男主角Rob、Rob的女友Beth、Rob的哥哥Hawk、Hawk …
Remember When Cloverfield Ate the Internet? Good Times
2016年3月13日 · Cryptic hints and wild speculation about 1-18-08, Slusho, Tagruato, T.I.D.O Wave, and the Ethan Haas controversy flooded forums for a full six months back, and remain …
1-18-08 | PR Week
2007年7月10日 · It’s all shot with a herky jerky home video feel, which adds to the hysteria onscreen. At some point the qwords “From J.J. Abrams” flash on the screen and it ends with …
Cloverfield: 1-18-08 Website Removed? - /Film
2007年8月23日 · Update: As of 9:00pm pt on August 23rd, the 1-18-08.com website is now back up and running. Paramount has removed the 1-18-08.com website today. The site now …
1-18-08 Project Cloverfield - Warning! Spoilers
2008年1月18日 · On October 22 episode of "South Park" called "Pandemic", the story tells about a kind of epidemic which attacks the world and the people in it. The episode is a kind of spoof …