Files size units: "KiB" vs "KB" vs "kB" - User Experience Stack …
1 kB = 1000 bytes; 1 KiB = 1024 bytes; The source for this was the NIST reference on SI units. I would use the more technically correct KiB. In other words, divide the number of bytes by 1024 …
website design - Show file size of (inline) linked downloads? - User ...
Only use one unit for all downloads (e.g. Megabyte only: 1 MB, 0.1 MB, 0.01 MB, 1280 MB)? Should the file size information be part of the linked text, or could it appear as unlinked text …
How many characters should typical address fields allow on an ...
Minimum of 2 lines and maximum of 5 lines for the postal delivery point details, plus 1 line for country and 1 line for postcode/zip code. Postcode. The Outward code can be 2, 3 or 4 …
design - Is a higher priority a smaller number? - User Experience …
2015年2月11日 · Priority 1 / Top Priority / First. The number 1 has the unique feature of being the closest whole number to zero. Rating how important or critical something is should always put …
dates - DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY? - User Experience Stack …
2017年4月4日 · There have been discussions about the order of DD, MM, YYYY, but never really any discussion about why designers choose to use YYYY over YY (for instance, 01/01/2017 …
What is a sans-serif font that still clearly differentiates similar ...
2015年5月22日 · I am looking for an easy-to-read San Serif font that manages to make the normally similar looking characters (o, 0; 1,l,i) still clearly differniated to the eye. This sill be …
What is the most readable way to display a U.S. phone number?
2016年4月18日 · My phone number is (XYZ) 877-ABCD, and XYZ is also her area code; I have to remind her each time that she needs to dial 1 first. Based on this, I would recommend either …
Should we use the 3x3 9-dots icon as an apps menu?
2015年8月3日 · | Show 1 more comment 3 I think this particular icon is known as the " App Drawer Icon " If I am not wrong, the trend started with the app drawer icon acting as the …
Friendly format for phone numbers - User Experience Stack …
2019年8月25日 · How do you call your number from another country? +55-55555555555 (+55 is my country code) +55-055555555555 (+55 is my country code) +1-55-55555555555 (+1 is my …
How to suggest a person to turn a page to see more details?
2015年8月26日 · All the suggestions about "turn over to see page 2" don't address the issue of "turn over to see page 1". For example the big black box "10 more tests" somehow needs to …