How can I measure 1 ml of liquid? - AnandTech Forums
2015年6月2日 · It is easy to measure 1 ml pal. get expensive tiny scale. say you have 60 ml bottle and want 1 ml out of it? measure weight of whole bottle...let us say 120 grams empty the liquid in glass and measure bottle empty-say 30 grams now you know total liquid weight is 90 grams and you know by inspection that 60 ml=90 grams you can calculate that 1 ml ...
How many ml is a drop? - AnandTech Forums
2004年2月23日 · The obvious way to find out is to get a childs medication syringe, measure out 1 ml into a small container, then suck it up with the dropper. Count the number of drops you squeeze back out. 911paramedic
Suspended/drop ceiling? Minimum drop you can get away with?
2004年2月25日 · You can do 1 1/4" - 2" with standard Acoustical tile. The trick is to leave one end of every 4th. "T" member floating. (Cut off just enough of the clip to hold it onto the runner.) Not the best way, but should you have to remove or replace tiles, this makes it so much easier. Just be sure to stagger the "floaters" in adjoining runs.
Solved! Odd FPS drops in Windows 10 Pro in certain windows/apps
2001年12月29日 · Specifically, I see my FPS drop from 120fps down to ~30fps (sometimes as low as 5, and sometimes as high as 60) when opening specific apps in Windows. I can consistently recreate the issue in the following: Private Internet Access Client (Server Select) Final Fantasy XIV Launcher (Login Screen) Malware Bytes (Parent Screen)
What is involved with going across the border to buy gas
2007年2月22日 · Watched a bit on the news about a man who runs a private trucking company. He drives two hours from Arizona to Mexico to buy diesel that he stores in a makeshift tank he built into a truck. The diesel there is about $2/gal. They said he pays taxes when he crosses the border but I was...
Which anti-aliasing method/setting do you prefer?
2013年12月25日 · on 2560x1080 (21:9) monitor i use downsampling from 3200x1300 (1,25x1,25) higher sadly won´t work, but it looks very good + what the ingame settings offer (fxaa or something, or 2-4xmsaa) depends onthe game, but the downsampling goes for everything on 3x full hd + bezel corretion 6000x1080 i use ingame 2x msaa or fxaa, whatever the game offers
Question Script Error, Win 10 - AnandTech Forums
2025年1月1日 · You don't kill it in Processes, you use services.msc to DISABLE it. After running service.msc, pick it in the list, double click it, then on the window that pops up, on the General tab, click the "Startup Type" drop down menu and choose disabled, then "ok" or "apply" that.
LED flashlight- can I drop in NiMH batteries? - AnandTech Forums
2006年7月25日 · I got a B&D LED snakelight flashlight for the holidays. Since it is running LEDs, would going from 3.0V w/ two alkaline C's in it to 2.4V w/ two NiMH C's in it still drive the LEDs? I use AA and AAA NiMH everywhere, but getting the rechargeable cells and a …
ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1- Misleading information...
1999年12月22日 · ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1 When the above Boolean is set to TRUE as shown, PageFile_Call_Async_Manager is never called. If this entry is absent from System.ini, the default setting for ConservativeSwapfileUsage is 1 for Windows 95, and 0 (zero) for Windows 98.
Solved! Should I use 802.11a/b/g wireless mode or 802.11n/ac/ax …
2020年5月15日 · It has a drop down menu for different "things" like the 802.11a/b/g has a drop down next to it to choose an option for it. Then below it is another 802.11n ac/ax with drop menu for it's options which is set to 802.11 AX. And then below that are continuing other options for …