What is a Sone and How Can You Improve Yours? - Broan-NuTone
1.0 sone: A 1.0 sone rating is roughly equivalent to the sound of a refrigerator running; 2.0 sones: 2.0 sones is the noise level in a normal office workplace; 3.0 sones: A fan rated at 3.0 sones …
Sones Ratings and Charts - Better Soundproofing
2022年5月23日 · One sone is arbitrarily set equal to the loudness of a 1,000- hertz tone at a sound level of 40 decibels above the standard reference level (i.e., the minimum audible …
Sone - Wikipedia
According to Stevens' definition, a loudness of 1 sone is equivalent to 40 phons (a 1 kHz tone at 40 dB SPL). [1] The phons scale aligns with dB, not with loudness, so the sone and phon …
Simple Sones To dB Calculator (With 0.3, 1.5, 3.0 Sone Examples)
How many decibels is 1 Sone? 1 Sone is equal to 28 dB. Further on, you will also find a calculated Sones to dB chart for 0.1 to 20 Sones. On top of that, we have solved 3 examples …
1 sone等于多少分贝 - 百度知道
2018年4月6日 · 1 sone等于多少分贝sone [son; soun]名词宗(响度单位,每秒一千周波之纯音在四十分贝时之响度)
Decibels Levels (DBA) and Sones Rating Conversion Chart
The sones formula is linear, so 1 sone is precisely half as loud as 2 sones and so on. They are also usually measured in half-sone increments. Decibel ratings are a more complicated …
dB 至 Sons 在线计算器 - calculatorshub.net
2024年9月5日 · dB 到 Sones 计算器使用的转换公式如下: S = 2^ (0.1 * (L – 40)) 地点: S 代表以宋为单位测量的响度。 L 代表声音级别,单位为分贝 (dB)。 该公式提供了一种直接且简单的 …
什么是响度和响度级? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年12月27日 · 响度1宋的定义为:声压级为40dB,频率为1000Hz,…
sone和分贝的转换关系 - 百度文库
sone是一种用于测量声音强度的单位,它是根据人耳在不同音量下对声音的感知而定义的。 具体来说,sone是相对于一个标准声音(相当于40分贝的声音)的比例单位。 例如,一个声音 …
How Many Sones Is My Range Hood? - Sones to dB Conversion
2020年11月4日 · Range hoods typically produce between three and seven sones depending on their power, as measured in cubic feet per minute or CFM. But what does that mean in …