What is a Sone and How Can You Improve Yours? - Broan-NuTone
1.0 sone: A 1.0 sone rating is roughly equivalent to the sound of a refrigerator running; 2.0 sones: 2.0 sones is the noise level in a normal office workplace; 3.0 sones: A fan rated at 3.0 sones will be roughly as loud as a face-to-face conversation; 4.0 sones: This sone level is typically what people will listen to the TV in their home at
Sones Ratings and Charts - Better Soundproofing
2022年5月23日 · One sone is arbitrarily set equal to the loudness of a 1,000- hertz tone at a sound level of 40 decibels above the standard reference level (i.e., the minimum audible threshold). A sound with a loudness of four sones is one that listeners perceive to be four times as loud as the reference sound.
Sone - Wikipedia
According to Stevens' definition, a loudness of 1 sone is equivalent to 40 phons (a 1 kHz tone at 40 dB SPL). [1] The phons scale aligns with dB, not with loudness, so the sone and phon scales are not proportional. Rather, the loudness in sones is, at least very nearly, a power law function of the signal intensity, with an exponent of 0.3.
Simple Sones To dB Calculator (With 0.3, 1.5, 3.0 Sone Examples)
How many decibels is 1 Sone? 1 Sone is equal to 28 dB. Further on, you will also find a calculated Sones to dB chart for 0.1 to 20 Sones. On top of that, we have solved 3 examples of how to convert Sones to dB, namely: 0.3 Sones to dB (Example 1). 1.5 Sones to dB (Example 2). 3.0 Sones to dB (Example 3).
1 sone等于多少分贝 - 百度知道
2018年4月6日 · 1 sone等于多少分贝sone [son; soun]名词宗(响度单位,每秒一千周波之纯音在四十分贝时之响度)
Decibels Levels (DBA) and Sones Rating Conversion Chart
The sones formula is linear, so 1 sone is precisely half as loud as 2 sones and so on. They are also usually measured in half-sone increments. Decibel ratings are a more complicated formula. Decibels are used to measure the pressure of sound.
dB 至 Sons 在线计算器 - calculatorshub.net
2024年9月5日 · dB 到 Sones 计算器使用的转换公式如下: S = 2^ (0.1 * (L – 40)) 地点: S 代表以宋为单位测量的响度。 L 代表声音级别,单位为分贝 (dB)。 该公式提供了一种直接且简单的方法,可以根据给定的分贝声级来量化感知的响度(以宋为单位)。 下面的表格提供了常见搜索的声级及其相应的响度(以宋为单位): 该表可以为寻求特定声级转换的个人提供快速参考指南,而无需重复计算。 例如,如果测量声音为 60 分贝,则可以使用以下公式计算相应的响度(以宋为单 …
什么是响度和响度级? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年12月27日 · 响度1宋的定义为:声压级为40dB,频率为1000Hz,…
sone和分贝的转换关系 - 百度文库
sone是一种用于测量声音强度的单位,它是根据人耳在不同音量下对声音的感知而定义的。 具体来说,sone是相对于一个标准声音(相当于40分贝的声音)的比例单位。 例如,一个声音的sone数为2表示它的响度是标准声音的两倍。 在音乐领域中,sone经常用来表示声音的响度和音量。 2. 什么是分贝. 分贝是另一种常用的声音强度单位。 它是根据声音压力水平的对数比来测量声音的强度。 例如,如果一个声音的分贝级数为60 dB,那么它的声音压力比标准声音增加了1000倍。 …
How Many Sones Is My Range Hood? - Sones to dB Conversion
2020年11月4日 · Range hoods typically produce between three and seven sones depending on their power, as measured in cubic feet per minute or CFM. But what does that mean in decibels? While design, size, and power are all important, an overlooked aspect of your hood is noise level.