Cannot Add Balance, Reached the Maximum Allowed
Sorry to hear that! We'd like to know what's wrong. Please check any which apply:
Copy a Character to the WoW PTR or Beta Client
How to make a copy of one of your characters in the Public Test Realm and the Beta client
Can't Get To Argus - Blizzard Support
Common Problems. Where is the Argus starting quest? Abandoned the Argus introduction quest chain and can't get back
Cannot queue for the Seat of Triumvirate Dungeon
This requires one character to be level 110, complete Assault on Broken Shore, unlock Argus, and complete all components of You Are Now Prepared!. The Comprehensive Argus Guide lists every single quest in order, so you can easily determine what is left.
Prueba de clase - Soporte de Blizzard
La prueba de clase te permite probar un personaje, ver cómo juega la clase y comprobar su raza y facción. La prueba de clase solo está disponible en World of Warcraft moderno y requiere que tu cuenta tenga tiempo de juego y la última expansión.
Class Trial - Blizzard Support
The Class Trial allows you to test a character, see how the class plays, and check its race and faction. The Class Trial is only available in Modern World of Warcraft and requires your account to have game time and the latest expansion.
Error BLZ51914400 - Blizzard Support
If the previous troubleshooting steps didn't resolve the problem, you can ask the Blizzard player community for help on the tech support forums (if available) or other community gaming sites.
Can't See Legion Invasion Quest - Blizzard Support
Do Legion invasion/assault require level 110 In order to unlock the invasions, you need to have completed the quest Uniting the Isles on at least one character. This will unlock World Quests for the other characters on your account, allowing characters level 39 and above to …
Battle.netバランスの制限事項 - ブリザードサポート
Battle.netバランスの購入可能な最少額は$1です。 Battle.netバランスを使用したすべての取引を安全に行うため、購入後にBattle.netバランスをご利用いただけるようになるまでに最大24時間の待機期間が設けられる場合があります。
Battle.net Balance Restrictions - Blizzard Support
You can add Battle.net Balance up to a maximum of $350/€250/£200, or $110/€110/£100 if you do not have an Authenticator linked to your account. Battle.net Balance caps vary depending on your currency. From the Battle.net Shop. You can purchase Battle.net Balance from the Battle.net Shop using our Accepted Payment Methods. The minimum ...