The Best of the Best 1.3 Seeds (With Landmarks)
2012年8月3日 · Seed: Dragons (Large Biomes) A desolate land with long-lost temples. There's barely any villages in this one, but it's nice for a quick view for the temples. A jungle and desert are small and back to back here: Desert temples at (256, 1072) and (0, 800). Jungle Temple at (832, 752). Stronghold at (-192, 1024).
Minecraft 1.3.1 Seeds
2012年8月2日 · I'm back with some minecraft 1.3.1 seeds! I will be adding more, so maybe you can take another look. Good let's start. (Just keep in mind i didn't explore the whole seed) Village Seeds:-753548930 (Desert village middlesize with ravine next to it, ender stronghold +-150 blocks from spawn!EDITORS PICK!!!) allbiomes (mini desert village) Temple Seeds:
[1.3.1] Village Seed Request - Seeds - Minecraft Forum
2012年8月16日 · If you have a NPC Village seeds that are near spawn for 1.3.1, Post em' here! The goal is to get 16 (Goal Has been raised!) NPC village seed listed here:
Minecraft 1.3.1 Best World Seeds Top #5 Minecraft Map
2012年8月16日 · Dont Forget To Subscribe To My Youtube Channel For More Seeds And Minecraft Stuff! Minecraft 1.3.1 Best Awesome World Seeds Top 5 Npc's, Jungles,...
Top 20 Minecraft 1.13 Seeds - GameSkinny
2024年6月19日 · Turtles, phantoms, underwater ravines, and other cool features of Update Aquatic are available in our list of the top 20 Minecraft 1.13 seeds. The long-awaited Minecraft 1.13 Update Aquatic has finally set its first steps into the world.
1.3 - 1.7.3 Awesome Seed + How to get older versions of MC
2012年8月16日 · Hey everyone, I accidentally found this awesome seed. This is only for Minecraft Beta 1.3 until 1.7.3 Beta and was discovered in 1.7.3 To test this seed out, you will need to downgrade to preferably 1.7.3.
[1.3.2] Village seed - Seeds - Minecraft Forum
2012年10月5日 · MC takes a seed that is either a pure number in which case if you execute the command /seed MC will display the same number that you entered as the seed when you created the world. IF there is anything entered in the seed other than 0 thru 9 (including the space character even at the end of the number) the world generator will convert that from ...
1.3.2-Java - Seed Map Viewer for Minecraft
An online Minecraft seed map viewer and seed finder that helps you locate biomes and structures and find the seeds you want. It shows a browseable map for a given seed with biomes, terrain estimation, and structures like Villages and Ocean Monuments.
Seed (level generation) – Minecraft Wiki
Seeds are values made up of character (s) (including negative or positive integers) that are used as the basis for generating every Minecraft world. [1] Seeds are somewhat compatible across editions, with terrain generation and biomes being the same. However, structure locations still remain different between Java Edition and Bedrock Edition.
Seed explorer - PlateUp! Tools
Explore thousands of random PlateUp! seeds and choose the perfect one for your next gaming session. Discover different seeds conveniently from your browser.
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