How to make MEM 10% FBS; 1% P/S - Tissue and Cell Culture
If you add just 50ml then the final volume will be 550ml and the fbs won’t be 10%. If you add 55ml then the final volume will be 555ml, only slightly below 10% (55.5ml brings you even closer). when you add both the fbs and p/s you’ll have to take the final volume into consideration
Quick question about making culture media. - (Dec/26/2012 )
I know plenty of people who only add supplements (like FBS, A/A, etc.) without removing any of the base media (DMEM, a-MEM, RPMI, etc). The correct way to do it would be to proceed like you are making a buffer, starting with 60-80% volume of base media (like with water for buffers), add any supplements like 5-20% FBS, antibiotics, antimycotics ...
How do you guys prepare 10% FBS Medium? - (Nov/27/2008 )
2008年11月27日 · The people in my lab just add 50ml of FBS and 5 ml Pen Strep in 500ml DMEM. They say that the difference in cell growth is minimal. But i was taught to keep using the same lot of FBS throughout my whole experiment. But if the effect of different concentration of FBS on cell growth is minimal, what is the point of keep using the same lot of serum?
DMEM+10% FBS good enough? - Tissue and Cell Culture
2010年3月7日 · The difference is that we only use DMEM+10% FBS and L-Glutamine here. While in my previous lab we add NEAA and Sodium pyruvate into the media too. I am wondering if these supplement can make a big difference in cell culture? I am having a difficult time to detect a transfected protein expression in WB.
Protocol Online: Protocol for Caco-2 cell culture
Add 15 ml of DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 1% P/S media to inactivate trypsin and thoroughly pipette up and down to break the cell clumps. Transfer required volume of warm media to seed cells in a sterile flask/disc. If required count the cells using standard cell counting procedure (described somewhere else).
Why use DMSO and FCS for freezing cells? - Cell Biology
2005年2月26日 · I agree with Fred in that FBS or FCS are not necessary. I froze the cells in 7.5% DMSO diluted in DMEM and they are OK at thawning. Maybe for particular cell lines is better to use FBS/FCS, but for most cases is just a waste of money, as DMEM works equally well.
Freezing cells- Media or FBS ? - Tissue and Cell Culture - Protocol …
Hi, I'm attempting to freeze HT29 cells for the first time. I looked up various protocols online. Some (such as the one posted on the forum by minne mouse) use cell culture medium + 10% (v/v) DMSO. While others use FBS + 10% DMSO. Which one should I be using ? Is there a difference ? And should I be doing a cell count prior to freezing the cells ?
Inactivated/activated FBS - Cell Biology - Protocol Online
Inactivated/activated FBS - is it critical for healthy cells (Dec/08/2005 ) For HeLa cells, what is recommended ....using inactivated 10% FBS or regulr FBS What happens if inactivated FBS is used during culture ??
HL-60 cultures - Tissue and Cell Culture
Simply culture your cells with 5% or 10% FBS, and monitor the cell growth. Usually 10% is better. For freezing, 10% DMSO with 10 - 20% FBS + RPMI (or DMEM-F12, other cell media I use) works well.
Sk-Br-3 cells - Cell Biology - Protocol Online
2006年9月19日 · We culture our SK-Br-3 using RPMI supplemented with 10% FBS, 2% pen/strep, 1% sodium pyruvate, and 1.25% L-glut. We usually seed a T-75 with 5x10^4 to 7.5x10^4 cells/ml and culture them 2x a week... usually after 72 and 96 hours. use 5ml trypsin/EDTA (for a T-75) for no longer than 9 mins than add 20 ml supplemented RPMI.