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Nature|ExM for poor people:膨胀显微成像的十年 - 知乎
ExM的核心是 通过让组织样本均匀膨胀突破传统显微镜的衍射极限,从而实现超分辨率成像。 传统显微镜的分辨率大约在200纳米左右,而ExM可以通过膨胀样本,提供超分辨率的成像效果,达到接近纳米尺度的分辨率。 膨胀后的样本体积通常是原来的100倍,像被充气的物体一样,组织几乎呈现出半透明状。 ExM的一个重要优势是, 它能够使用普通的荧光显微镜就实现纳米级别的成像分辨率,这使得这项技术大大降低了高端超分辨率显微技术的门槛。 因此,ExM技术广泛 …
Single-shot 20-fold expansion microscopy - Nature Methods
2024年10月11日 · Here, we present an ExM protocol that achieves ~20× expansion (yielding <20-nm resolution on a conventional microscope) in a single expansion step, achieving the performance of iterative...
EXM_Premium_Tweaking_Utility_1.0.bat - GitHub
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Visualizing cellular and tissue ultrastructure using Ten-fold ... - eLife
2022年2月18日 · Ten-fold Robust Expansion Microscopy (TREx) is a new method for 10-fold physical expansion of specimens in one round of gel embedding, enabling nanoscale imaging of antibody stains and ultrastructural detail.
Boost FPS, Decrease Latency & Ping with EXM Tweaks EXM Tweak
EXM Computer Tweaks gets a solid 10 out of 10 from me. It's user friendly, boosted my PC's performance significantly; faster apps, smoother multitasking, and even better ping (20-35 to 0-10).
Expansion Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy (ExSTED)
We report here an ExSTED imaging protocol that allows for below 10 nm two-dimensional (2D) resolution and isotropic 50–70 nm three-dimensional (3D) resolution in fixed cells. We first aimed to optimize resolution and contrast in ExM toward the routine imaging of …
网络用语exm?什么意思 - 百度知道
exm是excuse me的缩写。 因为在网上,大家聊天回复都讲求速度,也可以说是因为大家都很懒。 所以就把excuse me缩写成为exm。 excuse me网络含义:就是“你,他妈在逗我”、“什么鬼?!”、“卧槽这都可以?”有疑问和嘲讽的含义。 excuse me基本意思:请问,劳驾 ...
Pro Co EXM-10 Excellines Microphone Cable - 10 Feet
2010年8月2日 · Whether you're connecting a mic to your favorite preamp, or patching together a rack full of gear, Pro Co has the sound quality you need with performance you can count on. Call GearNuts today to find the right Pro Co XLR cable for your application! Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! Looking for specific info?
2022年2月25日 · 膨胀显微成像技术(expansion microscopy,ExM)是一种新型超分辨成像技术。 该技术借助可膨胀水凝胶均匀地物理放大生物样本,在常规光学成像条件下实现超分辨成像。
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