Last10K – Company SEC Filings for 10-K Annual Reports and 10-Q ...
Our site is designed to be more familiar to individual investors and uses a more standard method of navigation to harvest the wealth of information found in SEC Filings but is still powerful enough and used by financial professionals. View redline and blackline differences made from a 10-K / Q to another to see what was removed, added and changed.
Search Filings - SEC.gov
Find keywords and phrases in more than 20 years of EDGAR filings, and filter by date, company, person, filing category, or location. View a listing of real-time filings as they are submitted into the EDGAR system. Also view daily filings by form type within the past week.
10-K: Definition, What's Included, Instructions, and Where to Find It
2024年6月18日 · A 10-K is a comprehensive report filed annually by a publicly-traded company about its financial performance and is required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
How to Read a 10-K - SEC.gov
2011年7月1日 · How to Read a 10-K. If you want to follow or invest in a U.S. public company, you can find a wealth of information in the company’s annual report on Form 10-K. Among other things, the 10-K offers a detailed picture of a company’s business, the risks it faces, and the operating and financial results for the fiscal year.
10-K – Last10K
Stock Screener Premium Feature. View all the companies that just filed a 10-K Annual Report with the SEC: Login GET PREMIUM. Under no circumstances does this report represent an endorsement to buy / sell these stocks.
Panel Mount 10K Log Potentiometer (Breadboard Friendly)
This potentiometer is a two-in-one, good in a breadboard or with a panel. It's a log taper 10K ohm potentiometer, with a grippy shaft. It's smooth and easy to turn, but not so loose that it will shift on its own.
Amazon.com: Logarithmic Potentiometer
FainWan 5pcs 10K Logarithmic Slide Potentiometer Log Slide Pot Module Dual Output Compatible with Ar-duino Rasp-berry Pi ARM MCU AVR Electronic Block
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Panel Mount 10K Log Potentiometer w/ On-Off Switch
This potentiometer is a two-in-one: it's a log taper 10K ohm potentiometer, with a grippy shaft and it comes with an on-off switch. It's smooth and easy to turn, but not so loose that it will shift on its own. We like this one because the legs are 0.2" apart with …
Panel Mount 10K Dual Log Potentiometer - 10K Dual Log - Adafruit Industries
This Panel Mount 10K Dual Log Potentiometer is a dual-ganged potentiometer that will satisfy all your stereo-signal needs. Instead of just one potentiometer, you actually get two separate pots, 'ganged' together.