united states - Where to download 10m (1/3 arc-second) DEMs ...
2015年1月19日 · The screenshot shows the availability of ~3m (1/9 arc second) and 10m (1/3 arc second) resolution NED datasets throughout the USA. According to this map, you should have …
qgis - How to create 10m DEM from 30m DEM? - Geographic …
2015年5月20日 · This answer comes with a hefty health warning as you are essentially faking an improvement of resolution. There are a few approaches you could use to fake 10m DEM out of …
Artefacts when merging different resolution DEM
2021年1月4日 · I am trying to merge a 10m DEM with a 30m DEM (10m DEM is a sub area of the 30m DEM). Both DEMs have the same projection and nodata value. I create a .vrt file: …
dem - Seeking elevation data for UK? - Geographic Information …
But the tiles are very expensive once you start getting reasonably-sized areas. It has a horizontal resolution of 5m (I think there is a cheaper 10m resolution dataset), and a good vertical …
What is the source of horizontal and vertical striping in USGS DEMs?
When processing 30m and 10m DEM data downloaded through the National Map Viewer from the National Elevation Dataset, we noticed horizontal and vertical striping not only in the produced …
Downloading DEM data for US? - Geographic Information Systems …
2017年1月19日 · The USGS Global Data Explorer has version 2 of the 30 m ASTER Global DEM—apparently it's an improvement over version 1, but in my opinion it's still pretty crummy. …
How do I reduce contour intervals (i.e. from 50m contours to 10m ...
2014年11月3日 · Long answer: even if you create a DEM from the contours, and then create contours at 10m interval, these really won't give you higher resolution data. It will give you …
Best method to aggregate 1m DEM mosaic to 10m DEM
2012年7月5日 · If you have access to the original lidar data, just interpolate the data to the desired resolution using the "Topo to Raster" tool in ArcGIS. If you only have access to the 1m …
30m/10m/1m resolution DEM for microtopography research
2016年4月24日 · Can the 10m DEM be re-sampled perhaps to more accurately reflect the actual landscape? No, it can't. At least without inputting additional data. Should field surveys be …
General guidelines for topographic contour to DEM conversion?
2015年11月12日 · It seems that many different DEM resolutions (10m, 30m, 100m) could be created from a contour map (with, for instance 50m elevation changes marked), but of course …