The inv(11)(p15q22) chromosome translocation of de novo and
1997年6月1日 · The inv(11)(p15q22) is a recurrent chromosomal abnormality associated with de novo and therapy-related myeloid malignancies. Here we report the molecular definition of this chromosomal aberration in four patients. Positional cloning showed the consistent rearrangement of the DDX10 gene on chromosome …
The inv(11)(p15q22) Chromosome Translocation of De Novo and …
1997年6月1日 · The inv (11) (p15q22) is a recurrent chromosomal abnormality associated with de novo and therapy-related myeloid malignancies. Here we report the molecular definition of this chromosomal aberration in four patients. Positional cloning showed the consistent rearrangement of the DDX10 gene on chromosome 11q22, which encodes a putative RNA helicase.
The inv(11)(p15q22) chromosome translocation of therapy-related ...
Our case confirms that the inv(11) is a rare chromosomal translocation that is associated with therapy-related or de novo myeloid malignancy and involves NUP98 and DDX10 but not MLL. RT-PCR of the fusion transcripts might be applied to the detection of a small number of leukemic cells in the bone marrow or blood of patients in remission or in ...
Inversion of chromosome 11 inv (11) (p15q22), as a recurring
We identified a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clone that spanned the inv (11) breakpoints on 11q. From this YAC, we identified a P1 clone, which included the breakpoints in at least three of the four patients. It is highly likely that the same gene on the P1 clone is rearranged in leukemic cells of each patient.
inv (11) (p15q23) - My Cancer Genome
Significance of inv(11)(p15q23) in Diseases Acute Myeloid Leukemia + inv(11)(p15q23) is an inclusion criterion in 87 clinical trials for acute myeloid leukemia, of which 39 are open and 48 are closed.
Band p12 represented the most common breakpoint on chro-mosome 10. The t(10;11) subgroup defined a subset of younger 11q23 patients, the majority of whom achieve a first complete remission...
inv(11)(p15q22) NUP98/DDX10 t(11;11)(p15;q22) NUP98/DDX10
2007年10月1日 · The inv(11)(p15q22) chromosome translocation of de novo and therapy-related myeloid malignancies results in fusion of the nucleoporin gene, NUP98, with the putative RNA helicase gene, DDX10. Arai Y et al
Inv (11) (q21q23); KMT2A-MAML2, a Recurrent Genetic …
Here we report T-t-ALL with inv(11) (q21q23), which involves KMT2A and MAML2, a transcriptional coactivator of NOTCH proteins, that occurred after chemotherapy for Philadelphia chromosome–positive B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
逆元的求法总结(3种基本方法+4种实现) - CSDN博客
2018年3月23日 · 说白了就是:inv[i]=-(mod/i)*inv[mod%i] 然后边界是inv[1]=1 这不仅为我们提供了一个线性求逆元的方法,也提供了一种O(logmod)求逆元的方法
核心结合因子相关急性髓细胞白血病的诊疗进展 - 国际输血及血液 …
急性髓细胞白血病 (acute myeloid leukemia,AML)是一组高度异质性血液系统恶性肿瘤,具有分子细胞遗传学上特异性基因突变及染色体畸变,这些遗传学异常可以引起原始细胞克隆性增殖及分化阻滞,进而导致原始细胞大量聚集,破坏了正常骨髓功能,导致AML的发生和进展。 核心结合因子相关急性髓系白血病 (core-binding factor acute myeloid leukemia,CBF-AML)是AML中较常见的细胞遗传学亚型,其约占AML总数的15% [1]。