What happens if I accidentally call 112? | Government.nl
Accidentally calling 112. It is possible to call 112 by accident, but you can avoid this by following these tips. Message from the police regarding 112 abuse. If you receive a text message or a voicemail from 112 you may have accidentally made an emergency call, for example while the phone was in your bag or pocket.
Emergency number 112 - Government.nl
You should call 112 for urgent assistance in life-threatening situations or if you witness a crime. The number can be used to report emergencies of various types, such as a road accident, a fire or an intruder, where every second counts. This toll-free emergency number can be used in all EU member states. The operator who answers will immediately alert the appropriate emergency …
Topics | Emergency number 112 - Government.nl
When can I call 112? The emergency number 112 is for when you need urgent help, for instance when your life is in immediate danger, or if someone is ... Question and answer. Where can I lodge a complaint about 112? You can lodge a complaint about the handling of your 112 call with the organisation that answered your call. If you called from a ...
What happens when I call 112 from my mobile? | Government.nl
Longer waits for 112 calls from 4G networks. Users of 4G networks may have to wait longer for a call to 112 to go through. This is because 4G is currently only used for data. In order for a voice connection to be made with 112, the phone needs to switch back to a 3G or 2G network. This can take a few seconds. Texts cannot be sent to 112
What happens when I call 112 from a landline? | Government.nl
The caller’s telephone number automatically appears on the emergency operator’s computer screen. This enables the operator to call back, for example if the connection is poor. Caller ID also prevents abuse of 112. Calling 112 from your mobile phone
Topics | Emergency number 112 | Government.nl
11 questions and answers on Emergency number 112. What can I do if I can’t reach 112?
Can I also call 112 from abroad? - Government.nl
If you call 112 outside the Netherlands, the call is connected to the nearest emergency call centre. In the border region between the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, your call may end up in a different country than the one you are calling from.
When can I call 112? - Government.nl
The emergency number 112 is for when you need urgent help, for instance when your life is in immediate danger, or if someone is seriously injured and needs prompt medical attention, or if you have witnessed a serious crime like assault, murder, robbery or a break-in.
How can I avoid calling 112 by accident? - Government.nl
Don’t programme ‘112’ into your telephone’s memory. Do not enter the number into your phone’s memory under ‘112’. This will put the number at the top of the list of saved numbers, and as a result, you could accidentally call 112 by pressing the ‘call’ button.
What happens when I call 112 for an ambulance? - Government.nl
If you call 112 for an ambulance, you will be forwarded to the emergency call centre for ambulance services in your area. The operator will ask exactly what the emergency is. He or she will decide whether to dispatch an ambulance, and if so, with what mode of response.