11mm Gras - Cast Boolits
2021年9月4日 · The Gras is going to require a chamber cast to reveal the secrets. Traditional loading of the Gras is a .433(?) boolit paper patched up to .444-.446. My Gras carbine has …
11MM Gras - Cast Boolits
2020年3月15日 · Mauser (11.15x60R) would also work for 11mm.x59 Gras. The three calibers are very similar with slight differences in cases and bullet diameters. Perhaps the .43 Spanish is a …
11mm Gras - Cast Boolits
2019年3月12日 · Back about 2 years ago I learned about a different website where one of the members was the honcho of a group buy for both the 11x59mmR Gras and the 7.65mm …
11mm Gras from .348 Winchester Problems - Cast Boolits
2016年11月26日 · I'm a long time reader but infrequent poster. I can usually find just what I need on this site. Now I need some advice. I reformed some 11mm Gras from some .348 …
11mm Gras Bullet Diameter? - Cast Boolits
2022年8月16日 · Hey folks, I have some 348 cases ready to form up to 11mm for my gras rifle. once they are formed I'd like to get this thing shooting some lead, the only problem is I don't …
11mm Gras Loads - British Militaria Forums - Tapatalk
2010年2月5日 · A couple of days ago I got the nicest Chassepot I have ever seen. It is a 66-74 and is chambered for 11mm Gras. Does anyone have any loading information on the Gras? I …
11mm Gras from 50-110 brass - Cast Boolits
2021年4月24日 · So I'm thinking of getting some 50-110 cases and making the 11mm Gras case out of them. What would be the best way to go about forming the 50 down to 11mm? I'm going …
Japanese Type 18 11mm bolt sction black powder cartridge rifle
2017年6月18日 · Yes, you can use 11mm Gras and 11mm Mauser brass to make 11mm Matura cases, but finding boxer primed cases for either 11mm Gras and 11mm Mauser is not that …
Making 11mm gras bullets. do i need a 446 or 447 sizer.and is this …
2022年6月3日 · i recently got a mold for making 11mm gras but im unsure as to weather or not i need a 446 sizer or 447. NVM the question on the mold CBE said it is in fact for grease …
French Gras Help - Cast Boolits
2012年10月11日 · My local gun store has a 11 mm French Gras in really nice condition for 300.00. I am thinking of getting it, but I dont know if I can get brass or make brass from …