Acute Myeloid Leukemia with 11q23 Rearrangements: A Study of …
We described the clinical features and outcomes for 63 adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with a reciprocal translocation involving the 11q23 locus (MLL) who were treated at …
11q23 rearrangements (KMT2A) in leukaemia
2003年8月1日 · MLL is a developmental regulator and is structurally altered in leukemia associated translocations that show an abnormality at band 11q23. The MLL gene on 11q23 is …
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment (PDQ®) - NCI - National Cancer …
2025年2月12日 · AML with 11q23 abnormalities comprises 5% to 6% of cases of AML and is typically associated with monocytic features. This type of AML is more common in children.
AML with 11q23/ - American Society of Hematology
2003年10月1日 · In an unselected series of 1897 AML cases, 54 patients with an 11q23/ MLL rearrangement were identified, resulting in an incidence of 2.8%. The incidence of AML with …
Prognostic Significance of 11q23 Aberrations in Adult Acute …
Patients with t (9;11)), t (6;11), or other 11q23 balanced translocations [t (11;v) (q23;v)] presented at a younger age and with higher percentage of bone marrow blasts. Unbalanced 11q23 …
11q23/MLL rearrangements in adult acute leukemia - PubMed
Aim: To detect the frequency, diagnostic and prognostic significance of 11q23/MLL rearrangements and to determine the chromosomes that are most frequently involved in …
KMT2A Rearrangements in Leukemias: Molecular Aspects and …
KMT2A (alias: mixed-lineage leukemia [MLL]) gene mapping on chromosome 11q23 encodes the lysine-specific histone N-methyltransferase 2A and promotes transcription by inducing an …
11q23 rearrangements in acute leukemia - PubMed
The MLL gene, located at chromosome 11, band q23, is frequently disrupted by a variety of chromosomal rearrangements that occur in acute lymphoblastic leukemias and in a subset of …
Acute myeloid leukemia with 11q23 translocations ... - PubMed
11q23 translocations (t (11q23)) are recurring cytogenetic abnormalities in both acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia, involving the same gene, ALL1 (or MLL). …
Rearrangements Involving 11q23/KMT2A: Mutational Landscape …
2022年11月15日 · Background: Balanced rearrangements involving the KMT2A gene (KMT2A r) are recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities in AML, although globally they are present in only 3 …
Predictors of outcomes in adults with acute myeloid leukemia and
2021年9月29日 · Chromosomal translocations involving 11q23 where the lysine methyltransferase 2a gene (KMT2A) is located cause acute leukemias with high rates of resistance and relapse …
MLL-Rearranged Acute Leukemia with t(4;11)(q21;q23)—Current …
The MLL (mixed-lineage leukemia) gene, located on chromosome 11q23, is involved in chromosomal translocations in a subtype of acute leukemia, which represents approximately …
Acute myeloid leukemia with 11q23 rearrangements: A study …
2020年11月1日 · Structural abnormalities involving the long arm of chromosome 11, region 2, band 3 (11q23), are cytogenetic changes consistently seen in hematopoietic malignancies, …
11q23 rearrangements (KMT2A) in childhood acute lymphoblastic …
2004年2月1日 · There is strong molecular evidence that 11q23 abnormalities in infants with ALL occur in utero. The 11q23 band/MLL gene has an important role in normal hematopoietic …
11q23/MLL acute leukemia : update of clinical aspects
Rearrangements of the MLL gene located at 11q23 are common chromosomal abnormalities associated with acute leukemia (AL), especially infant and secondary leukemia after previous …
Novel prognostic subgroups in childhood 11q23/ - American …
2009年9月17日 · Translocations involving chromosome 11q23 frequently occur in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and are associated with poor prognosis. In most cases, the MLL gene …
11q23 translocations (t(11q23)) are recurring cytogenetic abnormalities in both acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia, involving the same gene, ALL1 (or MLL).
Prognostic significance of 11q23 aberrations in adult acute …
2012年11月8日 · Unbalanced 11q23 abnormalities were commonly associated with deletions of chromosomes 5q, 7q and/or complex karyotypes.
Chromosomal rearrangement involving 11q23 locus in chronic …
2015年4月8日 · Translocations involving the 11q23, a relatively common genetic abnormality in acute leukemia, have been seldom reported in CML. In this study, we explored the prevalence …
Prognostic significance of 11q23 aberrations in adult acute …
Unbalanced 11q23 abnormalities were commonly associated with deletions of chromosomes 5q, 7q and/or complex karyotypes.