Autodesk 123D Design - Download - LO4D.com
6 天之前 · Simple 3D design software for free that's suitable for beginners, works well with 3D printers and has 3D and 2D export function. Autodesk 123D Design is a freeware CAD designer app and 3D editor developed by Autodesk for Windows. It's powerful, easy-to …
123D Apps: 123D Design, Sculpt+, Make, and Catch | Autodesk
123D Design was replaced by Tinkercad, a free web-based 3D modeling tool. 123D Sculpt was replaced by Fusion 360, a professional-grade 3D modeling, CAD, and CAM software. 123D Make was replaced by Fusion 360, which offers similar tools for creating 3D printable designs.
123D Design 1.8 Download (Free) - 123D Design.exe
123D Design is a free, powerful, yet simple 3D creation and editing tool which supports many new 3D printers. Main features: - Get started by choosing one of the basic shapes and then edit it to be just what you want. - Easily connect one shape to another to make more detailed creations.
Autodesk 123D Design最新中文版详细安装教程! - 知乎专栏
Autodesk 123D Design不需要专业知识,任何人都可以轻松使用123D系列产品,可为用户免费创建3D免费模型。 最新版安装非常简单,下载好安装包后,双击安装包,修改安装路径(建议C盘之外的其他盘),点击Accept&install 进行安装。
Autodesk 123D Design 官方中文版v1.8 - 下载之家
autodesk 123D Design中文版 是一款免费的三维CAD 绘图必备软件。 允许用户快速设计、探索并实现创意。 它采用直观的工具,用户可以从简单形状开始,然后编辑和组合它们,创建更复杂的装配体。 123D Design还支持3D打印和激光切割工作流程,使设计师能够将虚拟模型转化为实体产品。 123D是一款免费的3DCAD 工具,你可以使用一些简单的图形来设计、创建、编辑三维模型,或者在一个已有的模型上进行修改。 据我的理解大概就是一款三维版的 PhotoShop,目前可能 …
Autodesk 123d design中文版:开启你的3D建模之旅 - CSDN博客
2024年10月28日 · Autodesk 123d design是一款免费且易用的3D/CAD建模软件,与Autodesk的另一款产品Tinkercad非常相似。 该软件操作简单,功能齐全,用户可以通过直接拖拽的方式对3D模型进行编辑和建模操作。
Autodesk 123D Design下载-2025官方最新版-CAD软件 - 天极下载站
Autodesk 123D Design是一款非常好用的免费3D三维CAD绘图软件,Autodesk 123D Design官方版为用户免费创建3D免费模型,帮助用户快速将构想变成设计。 新版功能: 新的用户界面,感觉上与123D系列中的其他产品,如Tinkercad,更为相似。
Autodesk 123D Design Download for PC Windows (7/10/11/8)
Autodesk 123D Design is a free and powerful suite of editing tools for creating 2D and 3D models while supporting all 3D printers. Take the basic shape and make changes through using quick and sharp options such as pattern, shell, edge tweaking, and much more.
123D Design Download - Allows you to create complex objects …
123D Design is a free, powerful, yet simple 3D creation and editing tool which supports many new 3D printers. It allows you to create complex objects starting from basic shapes or sketches. These objects can then be 3D printed or manufactured with CNC, laser cutters, water jet cutters, etc.
Autodesk 123D Design下载_Autodesk 123D Design中文版下载1.8 …
2021年5月5日 · Autodesk 123D Design是一款含有中文的三维CAD软件。 Autodesk 123D Design能够帮助用户轻松将照片转换成3D模型,甚至还能够根据3D模型做成真正的实物。 如果您只是一个新手也不要担心使用不来这款软件,因为新手也能很好掌握这款软件,制作出3D模型。