What wire size for 125A Subpanel? - Home Improvement Stack …
2020年1月4日 · 125A is #1 copper or #1/0 aluminum (you need to call it 120A feeder, but you get to round up to 125A breaker since 120A is not made.) If you need full declared 125A you'd need 2/0 aluminum. As you know, the subpanel ampacity can be greater than the feed breaker ampacity. You don't need a main breaker in the sub, if it's in the same building. Oh.
Wire size for 125amp sub panel from 200amp service main panel
2024年7月30日 · So with copper you don't need more than 1 AWG for a 125A panel. Aluminum will save you a lot of money. 2/0 aluminum is good for up to 135A. Values are from the Southwire ampacity chart. Actually, there is a catch. You would need to power this from a 125A breaker instead of from the lugs.
Correct Wire for 125a subpanel - Home Improvement Stack …
2022年10月18日 · I have a 125a subpanel in a shed that is used for all the pool equipment (control panel, pump, spa, lights). I don't really need anywhere near 125a but since I have 3 double pole breakers I would be running low on slots, so the choice of the 125a subpanel was more about the number of breaker slots available than actually needing anywhere near 125a.
What size wire and pipe for a 125A subpanel in an attached carport?
2021年2月19日 · Most jurisdictions would allow 1/0 Al THWN or better wire rated at 120A (per 75°C terminations) to be rounded up to 125A protection, and a #4 Al ground if using non-conductive PVC conduit. 1.25" minimum conduit would be needed with Sch40 PVC. Long sweeps are probably not necessary. If you use Sch80 PVC you would need to use 1.5".
electrical - Are there any advantages to installing a 125A subpanel ...
Comparing a 100A and 125A from Seimens. 100A version. 1 Phase, 3 Wire, 120/240VAC ; 12 Spaces, expandable to 24 circuits maximum with the use of QO tandem breakers ; Type 1 Indoor enclosure with automatic flush adjustment and door ; CSA approved for vertical,horizontal or inverted mounting ; Lifetime Warranty; 125A version.
Will my 125A electrical panel be sufficient for solar, heat pump, EV ...
2023年2月10日 · The current solar design is for a 9kW solar system with SolarEdge SE6000H-US. According to its specs, its maximum continuous output current @240V is 25A. The solar design says: max breaker calculation: 125A * 1.2 - 100A = 50A and they plan on installing a 35A breaker. Questions:
Does a 125 AMP panel require a heavier supply cable than a 100 …
Talk to the power company and see if your service drop/meter can support 125A. Even if not, you can order a 125A main panel and swap the main breaker to 100A. See if you can upgrade the main-sub cable to 125A. If so, order a main panel with thru lugs, which will save 2 breaker spaces, and a 125A sub. Voila, no breakers needed, space maximized!
How to identify electrical panel busbar rating
2020年8月18日 · This is a 125A panel. From the labeling on your panel, in particular the note about field upgrading 100A mains to 125A by replacing the main breaker and the meter-to-main-breaker wire jumpers, we can tell that this panel has 125A busbars in it, since UL wouldn't have permitted the manufacturer to provide such an upgrade as an option otherwise.
What's the wire size needed to supply a 125amp sub panel?
2020年8月25日 · We're confused by what you mean by "125A panel". First it's perfectly cool to have a subpanel size (100A, 125A, 200A, 225A) that is larger than the breaker supplying it (e.g. 60A or 70A). That is desired so you have plenty of spaces.
Can I Upgrade My Main Panel Breaker to 125 Amp
2021年6月30日 · The 2020 NEC would require #2 awg copper riser for 125A. Issue that need to be resolved is if the NEC is adopted locally without exception and modifications. You can get tripped up by added minimum size requirements, their hesitation may have related how much modification is allowed by local policy before requiring completely meeting the new ...