Does anyone have experience with 12AH7? - diyAudio
2022年5月19日 · 12AU7 does the same thing but better, The 12AH7 has an odd pin out, not compatible with the other octal twin triodes. So not easily replaced if it quits. I looked at this briefly for a project a few years ago, but quickly rejected it for these reasons.
12AH7, Tube 12AH7; Röhre 12AH7 ID15123, Double Triode
Tube 12AH7 or Röhre 12AH7 ID15123, Double Triode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Audio Frequency shown. Radio tubes are valves.
12AH7GT @ The Valve Museum
The 12AH7GT has two independent audio triodes within the envelope. The triodes are low impedance, low gain types similar to the ECC82 in ratings. A view of the triodes seen end on. The 12AH7GT is equivalent to the VT-207 American government specification. The two triodes are identical and the stitched anodes clamp to the support rods.
VT-207 @ The Valve Museum
The VT-207 is the US Government specification for the commercial 12AH7GT. It has two independent audio triodes within the envelope. The triodes are low impedance, low gain types similar to the ECC82 in ratings. The anode dissipation is 2.5 Watts per anode. The Ken_rad name on the base and the Type is etched into the glass within an octagon.
12AH7GT, Tube 12AH7GT; Röhre 12AH7GT ID5279, Double …
Tube 12AH7GT or Röhre 12AH7GT ID5279, Double Triode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Audio Frequency shown. Radio tubes are valves.
12at7 5670 12ah7这几个管子为什么用的人不多 - 『胆艺轩音响技 …
2008年5月5日 · 胆艺轩[Tubebbs]论坛 12at7 5670 12ah7这几个管子价格倒也不贵 特别是前两者比较便宜 但为什么用得不多 是否有什么不合理的地方? - Discuz! Board
small poweramp with 12AH7 and 6AU6WA... - diyAudio
2004年12月7日 · hi there!! are there any realistic chance to get an working amp out of these tubes? (12AH7 and 6AU6WA) with a single-end transformer 9kohm/4ohm rated...
HIFIDIY论坛-手上不少5670探讨下串叠推300b和845 - Powered by …
2022年2月9日 · 一年多的帖子没人讨论,我说一句吧,5670关系动态小,输出电压摆幅不够,推300b用6sn7,500v供电可以凑合,如果推845,使用6n12或12ah7加600v供电估计可以勉强使用。
球のたわごとコミュの不思議な球?12AH7GT - mixi(ミクシィ)
同じ双3極でも12ah7は安いので6sn7の代わりに使いました。 この球、軍用のようで、6SN7とはベース接続が全く別、6.3Vの6AH7は殆ど見ません。 なぜこんな球がつくられたのでしようか。
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