Nuclear - Westerman, Inc.
Westerman Nuclear is a quality driven producer of enriched uranium hexafluoride (UF6) storage and transportation cylinders. All UF6 cylinders comply with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) N14.1 and are built in accordance with the NQA-1 and 10CFR71 subpart H requirements.
hexafluoride (UF6) cylinders most commonly used across the nuclear industry. Industry uses standardized steel cylinders (for example, Model 30B, as well as Model 48X, 48Y, and 48G cylinders) for storing UF6 and transporting it
Criticality Safety of Enriched UF6 Cylinders. The transport of enriched hexafluoride uranium (UF6) is carried out in large steel cylinders. In filled cylinders, a maximum of 0.5wt. % of impurities is assumed to be present in UF6.
目前 我国自主研发的 XN3000 容器已取得国家核安全监 管部 门 的 设 计 批 准 书, 主 要 用 于 UF6 原 料 运 输。 UF6 产品运输主要采用进口的 30B 容器,我国设计 ·114· 表 2 UF6 货包栓系系统设计所用的加速度因子[5] Tab. 2 Acceleration factors for retention
Duratek has been tasked to select the UF6 cylinders for each shipment to ensure all amendment conditions are met. * Criticality Limits * Type A2 Limits * Size Limitations. Weight Limits Calculations will be based on: * Each individual ASME vessel shipped * Total trailer load (up to 5 ASME vessels) Page 14
During the cooling-off period, the cylinder volume of UF6 shrinks from about 95% full to 60% full and the internal pressure drops to about 2-3 psia. Only the Mk-30B cylinders with ~5% U-235 present a potential criticality problem if there is enough water inleakage.
2013年2月28日 · The 12B cylinder allows loading of 208 kg of UF6 which is much better than derating the loading of the 30B (which would only allow 37 kg). However, using the 30B and 5 wt% fuel 2277 kg could be loaded. Thus using the 12B …
In May 2014, the World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) formed an ad-hoc working group to focus on the identification of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) cylinders.
The sub-criticality of enriched UF6 cylinders must be guaranteed during their transport as well as during their storage in nuclear facilities. This paper shows the impact of main parameters on reactivity: interstitial moderation, steel wall thickness, uranium mass, cylinders stacking and presence of residues in the content. These parameters
Uranium hexafluoride - Wikipedia
Uranium hexafluoride, sometimes called hex, is an inorganic compound with the formula U F 6. Uranium hexafluoride is a volatile, toxic white solid that is used in the process of enriching uranium, which produces fuel for nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. [4] Uranium dioxide is converted with hydrofluoric acid (HF) to uranium tetrafluoride: [4]