Midnight, noon 12am, 12pm? | WordReference Forums
2006年12月28日 · Thus 12pm was associated with 12 noon, and 12am with midnight. 1; 2; Next. 1 of 2 Go to page. Go. Next ...
12am / 12pm - Which is noon? which is midnight?
2007年7月15日 · In writing and printing, it would still be best to use "noon" or "midnight" when that's what's intended, but people often use the primitive and technically incorrect clock conventions. Writing "12pm" for "noon" isn't really incorrect, it's just, oh, mechanical.
Midnight, noon 12am, 12pm? | WordReference Forums
2005年1月5日 · So assuming there is an ambiguity about whether 12pm is midday or midnight. What date is it at midnight. I have to get a proposal in by 12pm on the Friday 1st. Feb. Is this midnight on Thursday/Friday, midday Friday or midnight Friday/Saturday.
Noon = 12pm (or 12am) ? - Sprachlabor: Englisch ⇔ Deutsch …
2008年8月12日 · es ist nicht wirklich unlogisch, dass 12pm noon ist. Wenn die uhr 12 schlägt ist es genau in dem Moment eigentlich schon wieder nach noon- also nach der Mitte. also daher 12pm. Mitternacht kenne ich als 0 am aber das schreibt man eher so. Es ist klarer. Habe noch nie 12:30am gesehen, glaube ich.
Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Night - WordReference …
2006年11月8日 · Good afternoon is tricky. Usually I don't hear good afternoon at all. If someone says it, it is usually 12pm - 4 pm. But I don't think it really matters. In America atleast, people just say "hey" or "what's up" haha
12 PM = midnight or midday? - WordReference Forums
2006年2月2日 · So, 12pm or 12am is absurd by definition. This explains the confusion around it and one person understands 12am, for instance, as midnight and the other as midday. To put it differently, 12 is the time-marker in the middle and the two slots (am and pm) are defined around it, by definition...
12 a.m. / 12 p.m. - WordReference Forums
2007年6月13日 · 12am and 12pm are both incorrect usage in the UK: 12.00 = midday; 24.00 = midnight The 24 hour system is increasingly understood and used in English, especially in technical situations (aviation, shipping etc)
Do you still say "Good evening" after twelve midnight?
2009年9月25日 · Afternoon means strictly after 12pm (midday), ending in the evening when it starts getting dark. In conclusion, it is technically still correct to say good morning after 12pm, as long as the sun has not yet reached its zennith. Whether or not it is acceptable on the receiving end is another matter.
"around five p.m." or "at around 5 p.m." - WordReference Forums
2009年11月29日 · That's what is known as a straw man. Nobody said that using both prepositions is necessary.I also didn't realise that Orwell was a rule-making authority on English usage - he was, of course, entitled to his opinion.
12am / 12pm - Which is noon? which is midnight? | Page 2 ...
2005年8月26日 · Many things are in usage but not correct; moderate usage doesn't dictate correctness. Ain't, nuthin', Day Light Saving's Time, Old Timer's Disease, alot, etc. are used all-too-commonly.