130 mm towed field gun M1954 (M-46) - Wikipedia
The 130 mm towed field gun M-46 (Russian: 130-мм пушка M-46) is a manually loaded, towed 130 mm artillery piece, manufactured in the Soviet Union in the 1950s. It was first observed by the West in 1954.
M-46型130毫米牵引加农炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M-46型130毫米牵引加农炮 是苏联于 二战 后研制的一型牵引式火炮。 长期是陆军野战部队编制内射程最远的火炮,担负反炮兵作战任务。 1946年4月开始设计新一代火炮,以取代二战时期广泛使用的过时的 1931/37式122mm加农炮 (英语:122 mm gun M1931/37 (A-19)) 、 M1937 (ML-20)152毫米榴弹炮 等大中口径火炮。 为此同时开始了两个系列的研制: 彼尔姆 的 莫托维利哈172厂 (英语:Motovilikha Plants) (MOTZ)设计局,研发了M-46 (130 mm)与 M-47型152毫 …
火炮科普:M-46型130毫米牵引加农炮 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年10月27日 · M-46型130毫米牵引加农炮是苏联于二战后研制的一型牵引式火炮。 长期是陆军野战部队编制内射程最远的火炮,担负反炮兵作战任务。 类型 加农炮. 原产地 苏联. 服役记录. 参与战争/冲突 对越自卫反击战,第三次中东战争,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰. 生产历史. 研发日期 1946–1950. 生产商 莫托维利哈172厂. 生产日期 1951–1971. 基本规格. 重量 行军状态8450千克. 战斗状态7700千克. 长度 行军状态11.73m. 枪管长度 身管7150毫米 L/55. 宽度 行军状态2450 …
130 mm towed field gun M1954 (M-46) - Military Wiki
The 130 mm towed field gun M-46 M1954 (Russian: 130-мм пушка M-46 обр. 1954 г.) is a manually loaded, towed 130 mm artillery piece, manufactured in the Soviet Union in the 1950s. It was first observed by the west in 1954. There is also a Chinese copy, called Type 59.
M-46加农炮 - 百度百科
M-46加农炮是前苏联20世纪40年代末定型生产的130毫米牵引火炮。 也可作重型反坦克炮。 40年代末起装备部队,用以取代M-1931式122毫米火炮,用以装备前苏军集团军炮兵旅或方面军炮兵师的加农炮兵旅,每旅48/72门。
M46式130mm加农炮 - 百度百科
M46式130MM 加农炮 在战后局部战争中曾广泛使用。 1984年阿富汗战争期间,前苏军调用 130 毫米加农炮在内的火炮 , 轰击游击队所在村庄和营地。苏军通常集中数个炮兵营,实施急促而猛烈的炮击 , 使游击队领导人穆拉威·莎菲瓦拉赫死于1985年春季的炮袭中。此外,前苏军还利用其射程远的特点 , 对 游击队 进行封锁或开辟安全区。 1980年9月至1988年7月的两伊战争中,双方均动用了该型炮实施炮战,双方曾使用大量火炮轰击对方重要设施,给对方造成了重大损失。 1990 …
红色重锤之苏联M-46加农炮 - 哔哩哔哩
M-46是苏军在冷战初装备的一种集团军属130加农炮,主要装备苏军各集团军和军的炮兵师,海军步兵岸炮部队也有装备。 M-46加农炮展开状态. 卫国战争结束后,苏军的A-19加榴炮和ML-20加榴炮已经有些不堪用了,苏军急需射程超过20公里的重型火炮,172厂奉命研发了作为集团军属榴弹炮的D-20,集团军属加农炮的M-46,师属加农炮的D-74。 M-46的炮兵工程局 (GRAU)代号为52-P-482,设计上采用了经典布局。 为方便快速射击,M-46采用了横式楔闩结构。 在射击时展开 …
2024年7月16日 · The 130 mm M-46 M1954 is a manually loaded 130 mm artillery towed gun, designed manufactured in Russia since the 1950s. The M-46 was first seen in public in May …
M-46 52P482 130-mm Towed Gun - Program - GlobalSecurity.org
Currently, Motovilikha Plants OJSC is modernizing the existing M-46 systems, which includes: replacement of the 130 mm barrel with a 155 mm barrel for standard NATO ammunition; installation...
130 mm towed field gun M1954 (M-46) - Wikiwand
The 130 mm towed field gun M-46 (Russian: 130-мм пушка M-46) is a manually loaded, towed 130 mm artillery piece, manufactured in the Soviet Union in the 1950s. It was first observed by the West in 1954.
130mm M-46 - Weaponsystems.net
The M-46 is an early Cold War era towed 130mm towed howitzer of Soviet origin. The M-46 was developed in the late 1940's to replace the 122mm A-19 for long range shelling and counter battery fire.
图解苏联的M-46型拖曳式野战炮系统 - 网易
2018年6月11日 · M-46(正式命名为“130毫米牵引炮M1954”)是苏联冷战时期的一个战场,用于履行支援步兵和装甲作战的各种角色,1954年该系统首次向西方观察家揭幕因此其“M1954”称号),后来又被无数与苏联关系的国家派驻,其中包括中东,非洲和南美洲的许多军事力量以及 ...
59式130mm加農砲(M-46) - 日本周辺国の軍事兵器
2023年4月17日 · 59式130mm加農砲は、ロシア(旧ソ連)のM-46 130mm加農砲を中国で国産化したものである。 M-46は1954年にその存在を確認されたソ連の戦後第一世代の加農砲である。
M-46 (Model 1954) 130mm Field Gun System - Military Factory
2022年4月11日 · The M-46 (formal designation of "130mm Towed Field Gun M1954) was a Soviet Cold War-era battlefield implement designed to fulfill a variety of roles in support of infantry and armor actions.
Model 1954 (M-46) - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
The M-46 (officially "130mm Towed Field Gun M1954") was a Soviet Cold War battlefield machine designed to fulfill various roles in support of infantry and armored operations.
M-46 130-mm Towed Gun - Federation of American Scientists
The first 130 mm field gun produced by China was the Type 59, a virtually direct copy of the Russian M-46. The Type 59 130mm gun, with maximum rate of fire is at 8-10 rds/min, fires an HE projectile capable of penetrating 250mm of armour set at 0 degree at a range of 1,500m.
130 mm towed field gun M1954 (M 46) - Alchetron
2024年10月7日 · The 130 mm towed field gun M-46 (Russian: 130-мм пушка M-46) is a manually loaded, towed 130 mm artillery piece, manufactured in the Soviet Union in the 1950s. It was first observed by the west in 1954. There is also a Chinese copy, called the Type 59.
M-46 / Type 59 130-mm Towed Gun - GlobalSecurity.org
2016年1月4日 · While the M-46 may not match the precision of modern artillery with advanced fire control systems, it remains a capable and effective weapon when used correctly and under favorable conditions.
130-mm M-46 — Towed Artillery Guns/Howitzers - Military …
The M-46 is based on naval 130-mm guns and is one of the most widely used and respected towed artillery pieces of Soviet design. It has proven very effective both in the indirect fire mission as well as a towed anti-tank piece. The gun is noteworthy in that it is relatively lightweight and has a high muzzle velocity.
Band Apple Watch Hermès Single Tour 46 mm Deployment Buckle …
The 46 mm bands have been designed to match the dimensions of the Apple Watch Series 10 46 mm case. They are compatible with the Apple Watch 44 mm and 45 mm cases, as well as with the Apple Watch Ultra 49 mm case.