Application for Carrier Documentation | USCIS
2024年6月3日 · Use this form if you are a lawful permanent resident (LPR), including an LPR with conditions, and wish to apply for a travel document (carrier documentation) that allows you to board an airline or other transportation carrier without the airline or …
You may file Form I-131A to apply for Carrier Documentation if: You have been lawfully admitted to the United States as a LPR or conditional LPR; You have not lost LPR or conditional LPR status by abandoning that status or by removal from the United States;
I-131A表格,旅行信件申请表(承运人文件) - 美国驻华大使馆和 …
从2019年11月1日起,广州美国领事馆I-131A表格的处理工作移交到美国国务院。 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅以下网页: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/consular-services-zh/boarding-foil-application-procedures-cn/ 目的 如果您是合法永久居民(LPR),包括有条件的LPR,请使用 …
Form I-131A Guide (Carrier Documentation) | CitizenPath
Certain permanent residents who are outside the United States and no longer have valid proof of permanent resident status may file Form I-131A, Application for Carrier Documentation, to obtain temporary travel documentation for the purpose of boarding a transportation carrier and returning to the United States.
登机纸申请程序 - 美国驻华大使馆和领事馆
第一步:在美国公民及移民服务局网站在线支付I-131A 申请费。 通过美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)在线支付系统,使用信用卡或借记卡或美国银行账户支付申请费。
Boarding Foil Application Procedures - U.S. Embassy
If you plan to file a Form I-131A to apply for a LPR boarding foil, please note that you must pay the I-131 A filing fee online on the USCIS website before appearing in person at a consular section.
绿卡境外丢失,损毁该如何回美? - thepenglaw.com
I-131A登机证 (Travel Document/Carrier Documentation)主要是针对绿卡丢失、被盗或者损毁,在没有绿卡原件的情况下,向航空公司出示这份文件,它的作用就是允许个人在仍然保持着永久居民身份的情况下申请登机文件,以授权航空公司在不受惩罚的情况下搭载你回到美国。
Boarding Foil – Lost or Stolen Green Cards - U.S. Embassy ...
If you plan to file Form I-131A to apply for an LPR boarding foil, you must pay the nonrefundable filing fee online before appearing in person at a consular section. Information on the form and fee is located at the USCIS I-131A page .
Have you changed your name since receiving your last Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card, Form I-512 or I-512L, Advanced Parole Document, or Form I-766, Employment Authorization Document (with travel endorsement)? Yes No
What Is the Purpose of Form I-131A? United States laws impose penalties on carriers who bring to the United States an individual who is not in possession of a valid passport and any required visa.
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