Application for Carrier Documentation | USCIS
2024年6月3日 · Use this form if you are a lawful permanent resident (LPR), including an LPR with conditions, and wish to apply for a travel document (carrier documentation) that allows you to board an airline or other transportation carrier without the airline or …
Form I-131A ... To be completed by an attorney or accredited representative G-28 or Form
I-131A表格,旅行信件申请表(承运人文件) - 美国驻华大使馆和 …
从2019年11月1日起,广州美国领事馆I-131A表格的处理工作移交到美国国务院。 有关如何申请的说明,请参阅以下网页: https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/consular-services-zh/boarding-foil-application-procedures-cn/ 目的 如果您是合法永久居民(LPR),包括有条件的LPR,请使用 …
USCIS - I-131A Eligibility Tool - Overview
Before You Submit Your Payment For Form I-131A, Application For Carrier Documentation, Answer A Few Questions To Make Sure You Pay The Correct Filing Fee
Form I-131A Guide (Carrier Documentation) | CitizenPath
Certain permanent residents who are outside the United States and no longer have valid proof of permanent resident status may file Form I-131A, Application for Carrier Documentation, to obtain temporary travel documentation for the purpose of boarding a transportation carrier and returning to the United States.
Form I-131A, Application for Travel Document (Carrier Documentation)
Use this form if you are a lawful permanent resident (LPR), including an LPR with conditions, and you are: OR. AND. You wish to apply for a travel document (carrier documentation) that allows you to board a flight without the airline or transportation carrier being penalized.
USCIS Refugee and Asylee Travel Document (Form I-131A)
Form I-131A is used by U.S. lawful permanent residents (LPRs) to apply for a Travel Document, which allows them to travel outside the United States and return without applying for a new immigrant visa.
You may file Form I-131A to apply for Carrier Documentation if: You have been lawfully admitted to the United States as a LPR or conditional LPR; You have not lost LPR or conditional LPR status by abandoning that status or by removal from the United States;
- [PDF]
Form I-130A - USCIS
If your spouse is a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident, or non-citizen U.S. national who is filing Form I-130 on your behalf, you must complete and sign Form I-130A, Supplemental Information for Spouse Beneficiary, and submit it with the Form I-130 filed by your spouse.
2024年11月30日 · You may file Form I-131A to apply for Carrier Documentation if: You have been lawfully admitted to the United States as a LPR or conditional LPR; You have not lost LPR or conditional LPR status by abandoning that status or by removal from the United States;