Federal Register :: Taking Additional Steps To Address the …
2021年1月25日 · Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) shall propose for notice and comment regulations that require United States IaaS providers to verify the identity of a foreign person that obtains an Account. These regulations shall, at a minimum:
Executive Order 13984—Taking Additional Steps To Address …
Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) shall propose for notice and comment regulations that require United States IaaS providers to verify the identity of a foreign person that obtains an Account. These regulations shall, at a minimum:
Office of Information and Communications Technology and …
EO 13984, “Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities” directs the Secretary of Commerce to propose rules to address malicious cyber actors’ use of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), by proposing “know your customer” (KYC) requirements.
EN 13984: 防水柔性板CE认证 – 塑料和橡胶水汽控制层 - 知乎
本 欧洲标准 规定了用于建筑物水蒸气控制层的塑料或橡胶柔性板的特性,适用 于增强 和非增强产品。 它规定了要求和测试方法,并规定了产品符合本欧洲标准要求的评估。 防水柔性板产品CE认证-认证流程: 1、确定需要认证的产品类型,提交申请. 2、确定欧洲产品指令,防水柔性板产品需符合新的欧盟建筑产品法规CPR 305/2011/EU. 3、确定欧洲协调标准,防水柔性板产品.需符合协调标准EN 13984. 4、根据CPR指令和协调标准EN 13984进行测试评估,欧盟公告 认证机 …
Duralast Alternator 13984 - AutoZone
Trust a Proven Tough Duralast Alternator to get you back on the road. Designed to match the performance of the original part, Duralast Alternators utilize the latest technology in remanufacturing by using new wear components.
Locking Hub Nut and Wedge - Dorman Products - 13984
Locking Hub Nut and Wedge - 1-5/8 X 16 In. Ranger, Explorer 97-90. Application Summary: Ford Bronco II 1990, Ford Explorer 1994-91, Ford Ranger 1997-90. This spindle nut is designed to match the fit and function of the original part on specified vehicles. Made of quality materials, it is engineered for reliable performance. Dorman - HELP! - Carded.
ISO 13984:1999-液氢——陆地车辆加油系统接口 -国家数字标准馆
ISO 13984:1999液氢——陆地车辆加油系统接口 本国际标准规定了陆上液氢加油和分配系统的特性 所有类型的车辆,以减少加油过程中的火灾和爆炸风险,从而提供 对生命和财产损失的合理保护水平。
2024年2月5日 · 2021年1月19日,美国前总统特朗普签发第13984号行政命令 [1](以下简称为“EO 13984”),指示美国商务部须在EO 13984发布后的180日内公布拟议规则并征求意见(propose for notice and comment regulations),要求美国基础设施即服务(Infrastructure as a Service,IaaS)提供商验证与 ...
Federal Register :: Taking Additional Steps To Address the …
2021年9月24日 · E.O. 13984 addresses the threat posed by the use of U.S. cloud infrastructure by foreign malicious cyber actors to conduct malicious cyber-enabled activities, including theft of sensitive data and intellectual property and targeting of U.S. critical infrastructure.