Route 14 - King County, Washington
You can request off-route trips on DART within the DART service area by calling the DART reservation office. You need to make your trip request at least two hours before you want to be …
14 | Bus | MBTA
MBTA bus route 14 stops and schedules, including maps, real-time updates, parking and accessibility information, and connections.
#14 - Abbott - Metro Bus & Rail - Buffalo Metro Rail
Niag. Falls Airport. The Buffalo Metro Rail is the public transit rail system in Buffalo, New York, United States; it is operated by the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA).
城巴14線 | 香港巴士大典 | Fandom
港島市區巴士路線 14,由 城巴 營辦,來往 嘉亨灣 [註 1] 及 赤柱炮台(閘口) [註 2],途經 筲箕灣 、 大潭,是 唯一一條 全日來回途經整段 大潭道 的公共交通服務。 逢星期一至五非繁忙時 …
14-14A: Kinsman - RideRTA
Service between Downtown Cleveland and Lander Circle and Country Lane.
城巴(包括新巴路線) - 14 西灣河(嘉亨灣) » 赤柱炮台 - 巴士路 …
-由(1)赤柱砲台閘口 至 (14)曼克頓花園 之間各站上車後,於 (2)斜炮頂 至 (15)紅山半島 之間各車站下車前於相同之拍卡機再拍卡,全程最終收費為 $7.6。 使用優惠乘客後,各款電子貨幣 乘 …
14-Hawthorne/Foster - TriMet
14-Hawthorne/Foster connects Lents Town Center, SE Portland and Portland City Center, via Foster, Hawthorne/Madison and Main/Madison. This bus line runs every 15 minutes or less …
14 Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps - 赤柱(循環線) Stanley
The 14 bus (赤柱(循環線) Stanley (Circular)) has 52 stops departing from 海晏街 Hoi An Street and ending at 太康樓 Tai Hong House. Choose any of the 14 bus stops below to find updated …
14 Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps - Neshaminy Mall (Updated)
The 14 bus (Neshaminy Mall) has 74 stops departing from Frankford Transportation Center and ending at Neshaminy Mall. Choose any of the 14 bus stops below to find updated real-time …
14-MISSION Bus Route - SF MUNI - SF Bay Transit
Learn more about the 14-MISSION SF MUNI route and view realtime data.