SOLUTION: x/3 + x/4 = 14 hope you can help me solve this
Click here to see ALL problems on Numeric Fractions Question 17355: x/3 + x/4 = 14 hope you can help me solve this Answer by venugopalramana (3286) ( Show Source ):
SOLUTION: 14^x-3=21 i know the answer is approx 4.154 but im …
i know the answer is approx 4.154 but im not sure how to correctly arrive at this answer. i would like to see the proper steps.
Algebra Solver and Math Simplifier that SHOWS WORK
Welcome to Graphical Universal Mathematical Expression Simplifier and Algebra Solver (GUMESS). It solves most middle school algebra equations and simplifies expressions, and it …
SOLUTION: 14+x/3=10 what is x equal to - Algebra Homework Help
Algebra -> Numeric Fractions Calculators, Lesson and Practice -> SOLUTION: 14+x/3=10 what is x equal to Log On Algebra: Numeric FractionsSection SolversSolvers LessonsLessons …
SOLUTION: The equation { { { (x^3+14) (x^3-51)=1014 }}} has two ...
You can put this solution on YOUR website! . Let y = x^3. Then your equation takes the form (y+14)*(y-51) = 1014. Reduce it to the standard quadratic equation form and solve it by any …
SOLUTION: Factoring Polynomials Factor the Following …
14) x^2-13x+12 = (x - 12)* (x - 1) 15) x^2-x-12 = (x - 4)* (x + 3) 16) x^2-7x+12 = (x - 4)* (x - 3) 17) x^2+11x-12 = (x + 12)* (x - 1) 18) x^2-10x+9 = (x - 9)* (x - 1) 19) x^2+12x+27 = (x + 9)* (x + 3) …
SOLUTION: Write a polynomial function of minimum degree with …
Question 373504: Write a polynomial function of minimum degree with real coefficents whose zeros include those listed. Write the polynomial in standard form. 1. 3i and square root of 3 2. …
SOLUTION: What is the solution to the equation |x - 3| = 14?
Algebra -> Absolute-value -> SOLUTION: What is the solution to the equation |x - 3| = 14? Log On Algebra: Absolute valueSection SolversSolvers LessonsLessons Answers archiveAnswers
SOLUTION: Please help me solve: An angle measures 14 less than …
Question 148784: Please help me solve: An angle measures 14 less than three times its complement. Find the measure of the angle and it's complement. Answer by nerdybill (7384) …
SOLUTION: what is the solution? 2x+5y=34 x+2y=14 a:x=-26; …
You can put this solution on YOUR website! Hi, 2x+5y=34 x+2y=14 |||Multiplying 2nd EQ by -2, 2nd and adding to the 1st EQ to eliminate x y = 6 and x = 2 and...