2m ham: 146.520 simplex...anyone actually using it?
2018年4月30日 · Curious if anyone is actually using 146.520 simplex as a calling frequency - as it was designated - or do people tend to program in whatever local repeater...
2m ham: 146.520 simplex...anyone actually using it?
2018年4月29日 · Designating 146.52 for calling only makes sense if both sides could easily switch to another channel. With today's radios that is not the case and invites an accident or invites a …
Which National calling frequency 144.200/146.5200 is more …
2009年5月12日 · It's just that 144.2 is the SSB calling frequency and 146.52 is the national FM simplex calling frequency. If you are on the road and have a SSB rig, plunk it down on 144.2, if …
146.52 simplex repeater / sarnia - RadioReference.com Forums
2011年4月16日 · Many hams use 146.52 for caling and as a general purpose simplex comm channel. perhaps the person who set up the repeater was just testing it and will move to some …
146.520 Abuse - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年8月15日 · I have dual band radios in my vehicles and I like to monitor 146.52 MHz for SOTA activations in the local mountains and whatever while driving. My home QTH is in the …
2m ham: 146.520 simplex...anyone actually using it?
2018年4月30日 · In the days of crystal radios, 52.525, 146.52, 223.5 and 446.0 were designated "National Simplex" and most radios coming off the assembly line had 146.52 xtals in them and …
146.52 in Las Vegas - RadioReference.com Forums
2012年10月27日 · I was monitoring 146.52 in Las Vegas this last week, and it sounded like there was some sort of repeater or link radio setup on frequency. I was just curious if this is what I …
146.520! | Page 2 | RadioReference.com Forums
2013年2月18日 · I have 146.52 programmed in all of my radios and scan it whenever I am traveling (and 29.6, 52.525, 446, etc, and 50.125, 144.200, 432.1 in the rigs with SSB). When …
146.520! - RadioReference.com Forums
2013年2月18日 · Congrats...146.52 is the national calling frequency for 2 meters and 446.000 is the other one.
Military aircraft on 146.52 - RadioReference.com Forums
2008年11月18日 · About 1600est today a ham named Scott was killing time by making contacts on the ham 2mtr band on 146.52 from what he referred to as a military plane at 28000 ft over …