1472 - Wikipedia
Year 1472 (MCDLXXII) was a leap year starting on Wednesday of the Julian calendar. February 20 – Orkney and Shetland are returned by Norway to Scotland, as a result of a defaulted dowry payment. [1] March 4 – A mount of piety is established in Siena (Italy), origin of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the world's oldest surviving retail bank. [2]
1472年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
摩洛哥 瓦塔斯王朝 建立。 莫斯科大公 伊凡三世 與末代 拜占廷帝国 皇帝 君士坦丁十一世 的侄女 索菲娅·巴列奥略 結婚。 信紹布, 勃固王朝 女王。
Year 1472 - Historical Events and Notable People - On This Day
2017年7月12日 · What happened and who was notable in 1472? Browse important events, world leaders, notable birthdays, and tragic deaths from the year 1472.
公元1472年历史年表 公元1472年历史大事 公元1472年大事记_历 …
陈宜(1413-1472),字公宜,江西泰和县人,正统七年(1442)进士,授工科给事中,迁应天府丞,升云南左布政使,再以右副都御史巡抚贵州,参与镇压山都掌少数民族起义,以功升兵部右侍郎,提督偏头关防务,成化八年(1472)三月因母丧回乡,二十六日卒于 ...
1472 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1472 (MCDLXXII) was a leap year starting on Wednesday of the Julian calendar, the 1472nd year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 472nd year of the 2nd millennium, the 72nd year of the 15th century, and the 3rd year of the 1470s decade.
公元1472年大事记 - 文史广角镜
王守仁(1472年10月31日—1529年1月9日) 王守仁 (1472-1529)浙江余姚人。 字伯安,号阳明子,世称阳明先生,故又称王阳明,明成化八年九月三十日 (即公元1472年10月31日)太夫人
What Happened In History Year 1472 - EventsHistory
What happened in the year 1472 in history? Famous historical events that shook and changed the world. Discover events in 1472.
1472年发生的大事件、1472年重大事件、新闻大事件摘抄记录-历 …
1472年发生的大事件有哪些? 历史上今天官网整合了1472年重大事件、1472新闻大事件摘抄、1472年大事记等,供大家参考查阅,希望对广大用户有所帮助!
1472 - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Year 1472 was a leap year starting on Wednesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.
1472 - Wikiwand
Year 1472 (MCDLXXII) was a leap year starting on Wednesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.
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