Class 150, Inorganic Fiber, Ring Flange Gasket - Grainger
Looking for GARLOCK, Class 150, Ring Flange Gasket? Find it at Grainger.com®. With over one million products and 24/7 customer service we have supplies and solutions for every industry.
Compressed Inorganic Fiber Pipe Flange Gaskets | Garlock
Style IFG-5500 Blind Gasket, Inorganic Fiber with Nitrile Binder(NBR), 18 Inch ASME B16.5 Class 150, 0.125 Inch Thick, 16 Bolt Holes
Style IFG-5500 1-1/2 x 1/16 in. 150# Ring Gasket - Ferguson
Rated to 200 PSI (2 in-12 in), 150 PSI (14 in-24 in) Cartridge style seat permits easy change without special tools; Molded o-ring eliminates the need for flange gasket; Shell tested to 150% and seat tested to 110% of maximum working pressure; Lug bodies for dead-end service rated at 150 PSI* (2 in-12 in), 100 PSI* (14 in-24 in)
39505-2801 | Style IFG-5500 Compressed Fiber Gasket Sheet
Style IFG-5500 Compressed Fiber Gasket Sheet, Inorganic Fiber with Nitrile Binder(NBR), Gray, Branded, 0.016 Inch Thick, 60.0 Inch Width, 180.0 Inch Length
37555-0193 | Style IFG-5500 Pipe Flange Gaskets | Garlock
Style IFG-5500 Ring Gasket, Inorganic Fiber with Nitrile Binder(NBR), 1 1/2 Inch ASME B16.5 Class 150, 0.063 Inch Thick
Pipe Flange Gaskets, Style IFG-5500 | GARLOCK - MISUMI
Shop Gaskets - Pipe Flange Gaskets, Style IFG-5500 from GARLOCK. MISUMI USA has all of your Gaskets needs covered, with over 3.8M high quality products and 80 sextillion configurable parts available with fast shipping and low pricing.
Garlock IFG® 5500 Compressed Inorganic Fiber Gasketing TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: BENEFITS: DIN GASKETS: MEDIA: Tighter Seal • Inorganic fiber gasketing offers excellent thermal stability with minimal weight loss • Reduced creep relaxation and improved torque retention provide optimal seal-ability Temperature Resistant
可提供具有高浓度稀土元素( 最高达100 000 ppm) 的有源光纤。 它们的应用包括中红外及可见光波段的光纤激光器和放大器。 在泵浦光功率仅略微增大、光纤激光器结构不变的前提下,使用掺镱70 000 ppm的双包层光纤替换某品牌掺镱60 000 ppm、具有正八边形包层的光纤后,实现了近似翻倍的输出功率! 可提供基于ZFG( 氟锆酸盐) 或IFG( 氟铟酸盐)的双包层光纤。 部分产品的第一包层采用双D形状, 以提高泵浦光吸收率。
重金属氟化物IFG单模掺杂光纤 (截止波长2.95um)
与广泛应用的石英光纤相比,IFG光纤具有传输波长范围宽0.3μm~5.5μm具有掺杂稀土离子发射效率高等特点。 在光纤激光器和放大器的应用领域,为了优化其效率,通过一种独te的光纤制造技术,筱晓光子特推出低成本生产出高质量(te别是低损耗)的氟化物纤维单模光纤,具有特定的D型芯可以设计和制造定制光纤的激光和放大器Mid-IR supercontinuumLVF非线性单模光纤由于其优良的性能,可以实现非常平坦和宽带的输出光谱。 (中红外超连续介质激光器)中红外光谱和光学 …
氟化物多模光纤 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
工作温度:– 180 to 150 °C. 标准光纤型号. 2、IFG MM. IFG MM. 拓普光研 | TOP Photonics. 拓普光研(TOP Photonics),成立于2009年,多年来致力于先进光子学相关技术的应用与推广工作。 公司与Hamamatsu,Yokogawa,3sae,CorActive,LAB,EKSMA,EKSPLA,SingleQuantum,Fibercore,LVF,Furukawa,Santec,Innofocus,GoLight等三十多家光电领域的高科技公司合作,在国内做市场咨询、产品推广、本地化技术服务等工作。