Alfa Romeo 155 - Wikipedia
The Alfa Romeo 155 V6 TI was a FIA Class 1 touring car that Alfa Corse raced from 1993 to 1996 in the Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft and the subsequent International Touring Car …
Alfa Romeo 155 V6 TI DTM - Revs Automedia
Courtesy of all the lightweight components fitted throughout, the 155 DTM racer easily managed to make the prescribed minimum weight of 1,060 kg. The car had performance figures to …
アルファロメオ・155 V6 TI - Wikipedia
アルファロメオ・155 V6 TIはアルファロメオが1993年にドイツツーリングカー選手権(DTM)参戦のために開発、製作したレーシングカー。V6はV型6気筒、TIはTurismo Internazionaleの意 …
1993 - 1996 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 TI DTM - Images, Specifications …
The absolute star of the DTM 155 was the drivetrain, which combined a high revving V6 engine with the newly developed Q4 four-wheel drive system. Displacing just 2.5 litre, the all alloy, …
阿尔法罗密欧155 V6 TI DTM 1993-1996 长文 不定时更新
在1992年155 GTA统治了Italian SuperTurismo后,Alfa Corse决定参加更高级别的,人气更高的DTM(1993年的平均到场观众数量是62800)。 由于Class 1规则有较大的自由度,155赛车 …
Alfa Romeo 155 2.5 V6 TI - FCA Heritage
Under the stewardship of Giorgio Pianta, the Alfa Corse team designed and built a true competition thoroughbred based on the 155 production model's 2.5 litre V6 engine with …
One of the winningest cars in DTM history: the Alfa Romeo 155 …
2021年6月3日 · Holding a record 38 wins in the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters, the Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti has become one of the most recognizable cars to have competed in the series. And …
Alfa Romeo (阿尔法罗密欧) DTM 赛车数据库 - 51GT3 - 亚洲最大 …
1995 Alfa Romeo (阿尔法罗密欧) 155 DTM/ITC Evo 亚洲最大的赛车运动门户网站,在这可以买卖二手赛车、查询赛车手圈速和比赛成绩、了解详尽的赛车队和赛事数据,赛车圈的数据都 …
1995 Alfa Romeo (阿尔法罗密欧) 155 DTM/ITC Evo - 51GT3
车型型号: 155 DTM/ITC Evo; 车型级别: DTM; 发动机: 2.5L V6; 变速箱: 6-speed sequential; 马力: 420 hp; 扭矩: 480 Nm
蛇毒無解藥 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 TI是每一位蛇迷的夢中情車...之一
2021年5月31日 · 155 V6 TI ITC延續了前幾代DTM / ITC的勝利配方,沿用來自1995年賽季的可調F1式懸吊系統以及巨大的碟盤通風口,離合器操作的六速半序列式變速箱來自Xtrac,而根 …