how to set up email aount [email protected]. SMTP.163.com
2014年4月12日 · The provider has provided all server informaion...as following, 1) server IMAP, address imap.163.com, SSL 993, other than SSL 143, 2) server SMTP, address …
Thunderbird 中的 “邮箱目录” | Thunderbird 帮助
2019年4月4日 · 对 邮箱目录(Maildir) 的可选支持允许每个电子邮件使用单个唯一文件(使用 EML 数据格式),不同于默认的每个文件夹一个文件的单文件格式,即 mbox。 注意 - 这不是 …
Thunderbird having trouble saving to Draft and Sent
2017年5月22日 · The only remedy that was out there is: - Write down settings information of given mailbox, - Remove that mailbox completely - Create a new mailbox, put all the IMAP/SMTP …
把您的POP邮件帐户与全局收件箱统一起来 | Thunderbird 帮助
2018年8月29日 · Thunderbird 可以把多个POP账户的收件箱合并为一个全局收件箱,这样收到的所有邮件都可以更方便地在一处显示。本文将演示如何在 Thunderbird 中设置全局收件箱。 …
duplicate emails received - Mozilla Support
2014年6月10日 · I deleted a duplicate email but left the original in Thunderbird. The next time I downloaded emails from the server, the email that was a duplicate on Thunderbird was …
"Unable to write the email to the mailbox...." - Mozilla Support
On 9/10/24, I tried to download my email and got the message: "Unable to write the email to the mailbox. Make sure the file system allows you write privileges, and you have enough disk …
Email folders cannot be synced with @163.com - Mozilla Support
2023年2月21日 · Hello, I have 2 @163.com mail accounts. Both of them are successfully connected to their server and can receive and send email. But one of them, no email folders …
Where is the junk/spam folder? - Mozilla Support
2017年11月16日 · I have been told that Thunderbird automatically blocks emails it considers to be spam or junk so they do not appear in the Inbox. I have recently started to have problems with …
the size of the mailbox | Thunderbird Support Forum | Mozilla …
2020年8月31日 · I was having the same issue with mailbox full using thunderbird the problem wasnt Thunderbird.I have a gmail account and google only allows 15GB of free storage on …
Why is THunderbird sending duplicate emails to the same sender …
2016年4月13日 · I cannot forward a message that I had previously sent back into my personal email. I used to be able to do this in the recent past Why when sending out email it now shows …