Siege of Buda (1686) - Wikipedia
The siege of Buda (1686) (Hungarian: Buda visszafoglalása, lit. 'Recapture of Buda') was fought between the Holy League and the Ottoman Empire, as part of the follow-up campaign in Hungary after the Battle of Vienna. The Holy League retook Buda (modern day Budapest) after 78 days, ending almost 150 years of Ottoman rule.
布達圍城戰 (1686年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
布達圍城戰(英語:Siege of Buda,匈牙利語: Buda visszafoglalása ,直译:收復布達)發生於1686年6月至9月,是哈布斯堡王朝為首的神聖聯盟對奧斯曼帝國佔領的布達進行的圍城戰,是維也納戰役後的奧斯曼-匈牙利戰爭的一部分。在經歷了78天的苦戰後,天主教聯 ...
Buda visszafoglalása – Wikipédia
Buda visszafoglalása a töröktől 1686. szeptember 2-án történt. A régóta várt esemény Buda török kézre kerülése után 145 évvel és négy nappal valósulhatott csak meg. Ezt megelőzően összesen öt alkalommal, legutóbb 1684-ben próbálták visszafoglalni a magyar fővárost.
Battle of Buda (1686) | Military Wiki - Fandom
The Battle of Buda (1686) was fought between the Holy League and the Ottoman Empire, as part of the follow-up campaign in Hungary after the Battle of Vienna. The Holy League took Buda after a long siege .
The Battle of Buda (1686) between the Holy League and Ottoman Empire and the resulting reconquest of the capital as well as the regions of Hungary that had been occupied by the Ottomans since the catastrophic Battle of Mohács (1526) had an immense reverberation in …
The Recapture of Buda – September 2, 1686 - Honvédelem
2011年9月2日 · Three hundred and twenty-five years ago, on June 21, 1686 a more than 80,000-strong army started laying siege to Buda Castle. During the 78-day siege the attackers launched a total of three all-out assaults on the castle.
This Week In History: The Battle Of Buda (1686) - The Knights …
The Battle of Buda (1686) was fought between the Holy League and the Ottoman Empire, as part of the follow-up campaign in Hungary after the Battle of Vienna. The Holy League took Buda after a long siege. In 1541 Buda was conquered by the Turks in the Siege of Buda, and was under Ottoman rule for the next 145 years.
Bătălia de la Buda (1686) - Wikipedia
Bătălia de la Buda (1686) s-a purtat între Liga Sfântă și Imperiul Otoman, ca parte a campaniei de alungare a turcilor din Europa după victoria obținută în Bătălia de la Viena. Liga Sfântă a cucerit Buda (astăzi Budapesta), după un lung asediu .
Category : Siege of Buda (1686) - Wikimedia
Media in category "Siege of Buda (1686)" The following 25 files are in this category, out of 25 total.
A török kori Buda (1541-1686) - HUN-REN Bölcsészettudományi ...
Buda ezután az ország megszerzésére törő két fél, Szapolyai János és Habsburg Ferdinánd közötti egyik fő ütközőponttá vált. Elérkezett a magyar főváros középkori történetének utolsó, egyben legzaklatottabb, legnehezebb negyed évszázada...
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